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  1. B

    [3.13] Bug Report: My vassal spies on me!

    In this screenshot you can see that Charlemagnes spy was caught. Since active spy missions from vassals should have been disabled with the new patch I think that's a bug then. More info: Unofficial patch 1.04 applied Charlemagne became my vassal voluntarily.
  2. B

    [3.13] Bug Report: Cristo Redentor same as before

    I still can change my civics instantly, can anyone confirm this?
  3. B

    [3.13] Is this a bug or a feature? City defection to unknown civs

    Just a few rounds into the game I stumble upon a friendly hut and get a settler. So my second city is a bit far away from the capital. Soon afterwards I get a message that the citizens of Antium, the second city, would like to join the Japanese. I hate those annoying pop-ups since I just don't...
  4. B

    3.13 Bug Report - Leader Unit Promotion with a Great General

    This bug existed in BTS before and is still around in 3.13: If you use a Great General to make a unit a leader unit the new promotions are kinda stuck. Meaning this: in the screenshot I just hit the "Leadership"-Promotion button, but nothing happens. The game won't recognize that you pushed it...
  5. B

    City names

    Hi there! Just registered to report something I just noticed: I was playing as American, my eastern neighbour was Louis of the French. after I've vanquished the Incas and I was leaning back and watching my now much bigger empire I noticed a little city called "San Francisco". I was quite...
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