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  1. B

    I wrecked my game...Aaarggh

    I updated my FFH to 0.41. Now my FF graffics are all screwed up. Anybody have a link to FFH 0.40? I've looked around I can't find it. Live and learn I guess. Mega Thanks if anybody has the link.:goodjob:
  2. B

    Just another lame thank you post...

    I love this game. BIG Thank you. Best 40$ I ever spent...oh wait it's free if you bought BTS. I believe I have spent more time playing this than any other game ever(not sure if thats a good thing). Even old . .. .. .. . like supr Mario Bros lol. Then again, this and Asherons Call are...
  3. B

    Colonization or Pirates

    I was gonna pick up Colonization however it sounds kinda buggy from what Ive been reading here in the forums. I've never played Sid's Pirates. Should I just go pick that up for now and check Colonization later? If neither, could someone suggest a good strategy title I may have missed:)...
  4. B

    I Love the Music

    I absolutly love the installation music. Please tell me who it is or what album I need to buy. TYVM, Bam:D
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