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    Any sign of a DLL?

    I've been distracted away from Civ5 for a while now. I'm wondering if there is any sign of a Civ4 style C++ DLL that gives us access to the "guts" of the engine yet?
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    Guns Germs and Steel

    I am thinking about ideas for a Civ5 mod based roughly around the Jared Diamond book "Guns Germs and Steel". Basically, taking the assumptions of the book, and building a truely exponential model of civilization. Thoughts: 1: Innovation happens nearly randomly. Higher population means...
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    Economics of Civ5

    So I want to poke at the economics of Civ5, in the hopes of understanding it better and being able to modify it. What is the turn<->year structure of Civ5? Ie, turn 1-50 is what years? In the early game, 1 population is: +1 science +1 unhappy +1 worker 1 city is: +1 population...
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    Civ5 Lua/SDK forum description incorrect

    Bad description in a Civ5 forum. Blue Monkey: when moving it from the Lua/SDK forum: Description of Lua/SDK forum: Please fix the group description. Thanks.
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    Lua combat hooks

    Anyone found the lua combat hooks? I was thinking about writing up a "ranged unit duel" hack -- ranged units when they bombard a target that is also a ranged unit get counter-attacked. Ideally, the goal is to give modern units a default range, and have battles at the modern era have "no mans...
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    Importing Graphics from Civ4

    Is it easy? I'm wondering, as it would be a great source of things like terrain improvements if so.
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    The No Swearing Rule

    I cannot seem to find it -- it isn't in the main list of forum rules. Probably it should be explicitly added?
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    An icon that isn't anti-communication?

    So, is there any way to get an icon that isn't a bad, unreadable mess like the icon I used for this thread? Because, honestly, the icon in this thread is something I'd consider almost completely non-functional at actually distinguishing Civ 5 content from non-Civ 5 content. In order to...
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    [Civilization 5] -- will it be Modtastic? I cannot find any information on how mod-able civ 5 will be, other than this vague quote: "With unprecedented modding tools, players will have the options for modifying Civ V anyway they like." from the official website. Improved...
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    Using the strategy layer to store extra data

    So I did a bit of strategy layer research. And it looks like it won't work, unless I missed something. You can see in CvGameTextMgr::getGlobeLayerName it uses GLOBE_LAYER_STRATEGY to place the text for the buttons when you are in strategy mode. Elsewhere in the code, the 'other layers' at...
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    Gold quality thread Very nice stuff in there.
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    A better quick "how good am I fighting X"

    I think that this might run fast enough to be used in "get best defender". Maybe it won't. But at least it should run much faster than the current binomial theorem based "chance to win" calculator. It generates a fixed point answer to the question "what fraction of your HP would you expect to...
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    Random technique

    Load spies into caravels, and go looking for barbarian-guarded goodie huts. I goodie-hutted to astronomy using this trick, and it wasn't even on a "New world" map.
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    City Specialisation

    I'm thinking about ways I kick the crap out of the AI. And one big one is city specialisation. Approach to fix this. Step 1: Think about what kinds of city specialisation there are. Step 2: Identify which cities should be specialised which way. Step 3: Influence worker plot improvements...
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    Two on an Island

    So the AI refuses to trade away technologies that they don't know any other civilizations as having. This makes a "2 on an island" situation ... crippling for the AI (and the player who shares an island with them), as nobody is willing to trade with nobody. Now, in a real "1 on 1" game...
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    Optimal victory play vs Optimal game play

    So there is a difference between optimal play, with regards to a side's chance at winning the game, and optimal play for a game. As an example, with regards to winning the game when perm. alliances exist, the optimal game-play is for the 1st place player to team up with the 2nd place player...
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    Civiliation: Empire [Idea]

    Most empires in the "real world" consisted of provinces. The idea is to make this happen in Civ4. As your civilization grows, instead of becoming a large monolith, you'd break your civilization into provinces. Instead of taking over another civilization, they would surrender and become a...
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    Vassals and Attitude

    So, I was noticing something strange. . . I was Friendly with another empire, yet they refused to make deals with me in many many areas. What was going on? Well, I figured it out. CvTeamAI::AI_getAttitude! See, I had defeated a number of nations. And the team attitude calculates the...
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    AI cheats...

    I think I caught the AI cheating. This was in a way that ... actually, probably hurt it. :-) It defended a square that had a mine on a hill that, later in the game, would have coal on it. But at the time, nobody in the entire world had steam power, so nobody could see the coal at the...
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    Binary Research Bug

    Play any game of Civ4. Before you have libraries or any other "precentage" boost to commerce, and you have an odd total current GDP (sum of all commerce values in the top-left of your screen), change the culture sliders to the following: 100% research, 0% cash, 0% spies, 0% culture 100%...
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