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  1. I

    ran into a trap

    not really a journal, just a single picture but i'd like to share it because the unit positioning is so beautiful!
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    experimental dll for adventurous people

    please take a look at actually you don't have to be too adventurous ... the changes should all be fine but i have only so much time for testing so i'd like to hear some feedback before the next release.
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    congress idea - fortifications

    some ideas around fortifications which i might propose for the next congress if they aren't shot down immediately ... 1. the big one first: forts and citadels only deal adjacent damage when occupied by a unit 2. when a unit in a fortification is destroyed, the fortification is automatically...
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    Possible Modmod - No double moves and no ranged strikes from cities

    Tactical AI being good enough now, there are two things which have been bothering me: * Double movement promotions. No penalty in certain terrain, fine. But moving faster in difficult terrain than in good terrain, come on ... * Ranged strikes from cities. Dreadful UI and also unnecessary. You...
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    Tactical AI statistics V2

    So I made some more diagrams with the latest version and I figured they might be interesting for fellow nerds. But first some definitions. * A run of the simulation takes an initial position of friendly/neutral/enemy units and tries different assignments (move/attack/etc) for the friendly...
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    Tactical AI statistics

    Hello all, as you might know I've sunk an unreasonable amount of time into improving the AI performance in combat. This is the so called "Tactical AI". Basically it works a little bit like a chess engine now; it simulates different moves and tries to score the outcome. With lots of units...
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    great works handling

    quick poll. does anybody ever move around or swap great works manually? or does everybody simply click the swap&optimize button from time to time? Moved to main forum. - Recursive
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    [Vote] (2-52) Cooldown Between Unit Purchases

    Voting Instructions Players, please cast your votes in the poll above. Vote "Yea" if you'd be okay if this proposal was implemented. Vote "Nay" if you'd be okay if this proposal wasn't implemented. You can vote for both options, which is equivalent to saying "I'm fine either way", but adds to...
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    (2-50) Units Lose XP On Upgrade

    Just what it says in the title. Inspired by the "immortal human units vs endless AI unit spam" discussion. When a unit is upgraded, it loses half of its XP. But it does keep all the promotions. Just needs a longer time to reach the next level. Obviously the percentage is debatable. But it...
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    (1-15a) Notification If Peace With A Minor Is Possible

    Counterproposal to Oftentimes city state alliances change during a war, and so separate peace agreements become possible. But the minors will never speak up...
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    [Vote] (1-01) Open Borders Needed For Trade Routes Once Unlocked

    Currently you can trade with other players without their consent. Proposal: Once a player has researched the technology for open borders, trade routes are only possible if you actually have an open border agreement with them. So no change in the early game. Late game having open borders...
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    (1-18) Replace Double Movement Promotions

    why should a unit ever be faster in jungle than on plains? simplest solution: the double movement promotions for the scout line should be replaced by "no movement penalty". alternatively make them +1 movement independent of terrain/features. or something similar. opinions? --- edit...
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    quick survey on alert/heal behavior

    there was a change recently causing healing units to wake up when enemies are around (because i lost some scouts ...) now apparently other players find this behaviour tedious because they like to heal units near the frontline, which now constantly wake up. so, summary of the current status of...
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    new EUI version?

    i just saw that there is a new EUI version (1.29) from Nov 2020. did anyone around here try this yet? are there any must have improvements? and how hard would it be to integrate into VP?
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    Stability Improvement

    Hey all, important information for everybody experiencing sporadic late-game crashes. Those are mostly due to lua hooks being called from the game core. On the other hand if you are not using any additional modmods, those lua hooks are actually not needed. So there is an option to turn them...
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    new patch release

    hey all, here's a new dll-only patch on top of the 10-7 release: changelog better military target selection for AI better army handling for AI more active use of great generals improvements to tactical combat behavior better...
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    Idea for discussion: Trade only with open borders

    Hello again! Now much going on here right so now so maybe a good time to start a discussion ... what if trade routes to foreign cities were only possible with open borders once your trade partner has civil service? Right now, you can trade with anyone unless you are at war, even against their...
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    changes in the latest patches

    some if you may already have noticed, in the latest patch releases (post 6/19) the rules for stacking units have changed. the main problem was embarkation. this was a hack from the beginning, in order to avoid the annoying transport ships of previous civilization generations. the code was...
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    attacks from cities

    hello all! it seems there is some discontent with the way attacks from cities work right now. it's just not clear which way to go for improvement. so i made my first survey ... let's see how it goes. some background information: city attack pro: * you can fend off a siege more easily * can...
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    feedback on AI combat behavior

    hey all. what is your impression of the tactical AI in the latest version? i made some tweaks but i have little time to play myself. so i need feedback from you! is there anything the AI does especially well? or regularly fails at? are they aggressive enough? or too aggressive, meaning they...
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