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  1. C

    Gifts and Demands: Answers in SDK?

    You can demand money or techs of civs who are Pleased or Friendly with you. (You can do this with civs that are Cautious or worse, but you get a negative diplo modifier for your demand.) There seems to be a hidden amount that the civ is willing to give you. For instance, if a civ has 200g...
  2. C

    Best Ball Immortal: Mansa

    Best Ball Immortal Volume I: Mansa This game is about learning to play on Immortal difficulty level. I have rolled up a game using the following "Play Now" settings: Vanilla 1.61, random leader (came up Mansa), continents, standard size, normal speed, default number of opponents (6 + Mansa = 7...
  3. C

    Immortal Isolated Dot Map Practice

    I've been practicing playing the BC years in immortal, small continents, normal speed, random leaders games. In the latest start, I'm on my own not-so-good island. I've seen a couple barb animals, but I think it's about time for the barb troops to show up. Because I'm isolated, I'm pretty...
  4. C

    Question: How to modify AI city placement algorithm?

    I'd like to play around a little bit with the algorithms the AI uses to choose its city placement sites. I've poked around a little bit in the SDK source code and have a decent idea of where to start, but uncommented source code is such a pain to work with. Since the SDK has been out for a...
  5. C

    Question for modders: multiplying costs and yields

    This is my first post to any modding forum. I'm familiar with procedural programming and have written a few shell scripts. My question is: can CIV be easily modified so that 1F -> 10F and a unit that costs 35H costs 350H? Essentially, what I'd like to do is multiply all food, commerce...
  6. C

    How to choose city sites?

    Goal: Play single player games at immortal difficulty and win around 75% of them. Secondary goal: Games that don't take forever in real life. Game settings: Difficulty: Immortal or Deity Leaders: Random Map type: Continents (Actually, anything that doesn't punish the AI for its...
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