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  1. kristopherb

    Bigger longer Games

    Now that CIV 4 is old, officially older then most peoples cats. When it first came out most computers couldn't handle the later game of massive maps. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a mod that increases the size of the map? I know its possible Caveman 2 Cosmos has these...
  2. kristopherb

    Touch-screen playability?

    Lately i've got a new laptop, with a touch-screen. I started to play a game utilising the touch-screen, selecting units and giving them fortify commands was easy and intuitive, the only problem I had was the unit movement, not too say it was impossible, just awkward. When playing with a mouse...
  3. kristopherb

    Larger Map mod concepts

    I was toying round with the idea of larger maps in Civ4, the other day. Assuming i take neverminds' mod component "XXL world" as a base, which adds 3 larger map types. For quick note a Giant map size is 50/32 while a large map is 26/16. When I played the mod I realised that it is hard to wage...
  4. kristopherb

    SOPA, ACTA Can we protect the Internet freedom forever?

    After watching a video on youtube 'The young Turks - TTP Worse then ACTA?' It got me thinking, how long will the internet be truly free for? And how long will it take a SOPA-esque law to be implemented? So far the anti SOPA and ACTA movements have been a large success, but from what I understand...
  5. kristopherb

    Civ 5 concepts in Civ 4

    With the Release of Civ 5 there has been many people disgruntled with the finished product. After playing Civ 5 for a bit i do find myself thinking "if this was civ 4. this would not be a problem". But even I have to admit the concept of city states are rather appealing as well as a few others...
  6. kristopherb

    Units are too big.

    In Both Civ 4 and 5 I've always thought a units footprint (which I assume to be about 100-1000 soldiers ) of one tile, is too big. In other words the scale of the unit compared to the map is incorrect/ wrong. in Civ 4 I thought the standard movement of one tile was a bit too restrictive and...
  7. kristopherb

    BTS not installed properly.

    When installing BTS something went wrong like some compatibly issue (it had something to do with appostic palace.bak and warlords), so i had to abort the install. I uninstalled warlords, to install BTS but BTS doesn't give me the option to install it just "play" (it doesn't work anyway)...
  8. kristopherb

    UK roads privatisation So yeah, driving becomes more expensive.
  9. kristopherb

    Racist or Inappropriate?

    I'm doing a degree in Aerospace Engineering in Sheffield UK, a city with a very strong Muslim community. I've been described as loud, extremely loud. I'm also an atheist. Last Thursday our class had a go in the flight simulator (simulating a A320) as a context building exercise. I went in and...
  10. kristopherb

    Retrieving a game

    I have a laptop that likes to over heat. I started a game of civ and I got in to the game then my laptop overheated, but i've not saved it manually. The game has a auto save function but how do i grab an auto save. Sorry if its a newb question.
  11. kristopherb

    No UI

    When i open the mod final frontier and start a game there is no User interface. what is the combination of keys to remove and replace the UI?
  12. kristopherb

    Laptop Over-heating

    I have finally found a game that can make my laptop over heat. Which is a slight annoyance, is there anything i can do to prevent over heating? I know its possible to get a table thing that cools the underneath the laptop.
  13. kristopherb

    Pat Condell Love or Hate him? I like listening to him. So i'm asking, do you agree with him? Me, Personally, I agree with him on most counts but he can be a bit aggressive, but then again, if it was't no-one whould watch it. You have to give it him, he has gusts. Please provide more information...
  14. kristopherb

    Advanced Start Fanclub.

    Why do people hate using advanced start? So hopefully this shall turn into a thread where we discuss advanced start, the benifits ,the strategies and the game changes.
  15. kristopherb

    Should I Buy a Longbow?

    The most random question you've heard all day. I was lying in bed this morning (1;00PM) thinking. I have just finished my uni exams for this year, meaning i have 4 months of doing nothing but working part time at Tesco and hanging with my friends and girlfriend (Theres not much to do here...
  16. kristopherb

    Lefties Please Stop ramming it down out throats I am a self confessed lefty (for all you right wing gun wielding Red Neck Americans or EDL members that wants to kill me I live at 10 Downing Street London) and so are most of my friends (a...
  17. kristopherb

    Upping the difficulty without changing the level

    Lately i've up graded my RAM, so i decided to try a bigger map then normal. I normaly play prince and can play it at a considerable abillity, i used to play large maps but i now play smaller maps(standard) due to my laptops 1GBof ram:p. Then for a challenge i hit up a monarch game same...
  18. kristopherb

    Civ 4 is it possible to escape?

    I've played Civ 4 for while now. I'm playing comfortably on prince difficulty. But i never play it nonstop, it comeback to CIV after months of not playing it. Its a grreat game, and the fact that the latest patch has no needs for a disc you can boot it up anytime, anywhere.
  19. kristopherb

    Have i got the right RAM for my laptop.

    This is my first venture in Comp Talk. I'm scared.... Basicly i have a Toshiba Satellite L450D laptop with 1GB of ram. And it is basicly my TV, DVD player and so on. I depend on it for uni work too. It works fine, but its a little slow. So i want to pump it full of steriods... I mean RAM...
  20. kristopherb

    TV shows they sould never have stopped producing

    So what TV shows do you think was canceled in their prime? And sould be brought back. I'd say, On UK TV. Scrapheap Challenge Robot Wars.
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