• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. B

    Has anyone ever translated Civ2 to Spanish?

    The rules.txt, advice.txt, etc. I'd like to be able to play in Spanish as a way to practice.
  2. B

    Computer Help: Need to read old drive in HDD enclosure

    My old laptop finally died a couple of weeks ago (power supply). I got a new one, plus an enclosure for the hard drive from the dead one. I put the old hard drive in the enclosure and hooked it up to my new computer. Windows 7 recognizes it as an external hard drive but wants to format it...
  3. B

    Pat Summitt steps aside as Tennessee coach

    http://www.utk.edu/tntoday/2012/04/18/pat-summitt-named-head-coach-emeritus/ Officially, she's now Head Coach Emeritus. Sad day for college basketball. I have a lot of respect for her accomplishments, even though I've done my share of hating on her for being the coach of a conference rival...
  4. B

    Happy Pascha to our Orthodox friends

    Χριστός ἀνέστη!
  5. B

    Ignorant, racist, backwards South strikes again with abuse at county jail

  6. B

    Anti-drug politician busted for .... drugs!

    http://www.thedailychronic.net/2012/9324/texas-anti-drug-politician-arrested-by-dea-for-marijuana-trafficking/ I'm starting to think that the best way to figure out a politician's skeletons is to look at what areas of your life he wants the government to control.
  7. B

    Worse than Bush Part XXXVI: Obama's War On Pot

    Change we can believe in: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: I used to hate the Republicans because they were puppets of the rich and powerful and they wanted to control every aspect of your personal life. Thanks to Obama, we're in a Bizarro World where the Democrats are even worse...
  8. B

    What's happening in Syria right now??

    CNN started covering some major events, then cut away to talk about important international stories like Haley Barbour going nuts with pardons, followed by the latest tabloid murder trial :rolleyes:
  9. B

    For Downtown...

    Something you might remember from your time in New Orleans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOXVEcXftj4&feature=related
  10. B

    Downfall question

    I watched the movie last night and noticed that Hitler frequently left the room holding his left hand behind his back, with it trembling and held in a claw-like position. Did Hitler have a medical condition during his last days that caused that? Or does Bruno Ganz have a medical problem? Or...
  11. B

    What are some good pun/joke names in non-English languages?

    We have joke names like Ben Dover (bend over), Pete Moss (peat moss), all the names Bart asks for when he calls Moe's, etc. I'm sure Spanish, French, German, etc. have similar names that can be made, so what are the funniest ones? (Post the innocent ones in the thread--to avoid infractions or...
  12. B

    Gulf of Mexico dead zone reaches 6,765 square miles

    Larger than average, but not a record. http://www.nola.com/environment/index.ssf/2011/08/dead_zone_larger_than_average.html The number one culprit in the Gulf dead zone is the use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture. Should there be a moratorium on that, in order to protect the...
  13. B

    Homeowner facing jail time for growing vegetables

    http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2011/07/oak_park_woman_faces_jail_for.html It isn't even illegal. According to the article: Even if you're unreasonable enough to think vegetables are "unsuitable", you should specifically state that in the law. And you shouldn't take away...
  14. B

    Can I change my username?

    (Snip to remove biographical details)
  15. B

    Change we can believe in!

    Feds building massive database on American citizens. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20101220/ts_yblog_thelookout/the-5-most-surprising-revelations-from-the-posts-monitoring-america-investigation Next time I see "Miss Me Yet?", my answer will have to be "I didn't even know you left"
  16. B

    Wisconsin strip club puts up 'No Negroes' sign

  17. B

    Australian Politics Question

    I noticed during the election thread that the major parties are Labour and Liberal Democrats. That sounds like two liberal parties. What's the difference between the two? I would assume one would have to be the conservative party within the system or people wouldn't bother having two parties.
  18. B

    Check this out on Google Maps (Civ 1 related)

    Call up the following address: 11178 Hwy 603, Bay St. Louis, MS Check out the Street View for the building on the right side of the road (just south of Bayou Lacroix).
  19. B

    Idiot state attorney general tweets about an execution

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_ts2702 Seriously, he signs off on having someone killed and then tweets about it? That was in very bad taste.
  20. B

    A few annoying problems....

    1) Acrobat 7.0 (full version) locks up sometimes when I try to print. Even if I delete the temp files it still locks up. I have to reboot the computer to get it to print. (The freeze happens before I get the dialog box where I can choose a printer.) I installed Foxit Reader but it has the same...
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