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  1. R

    Anti-Climatic Space Victory...

    I just got a space race victory with China, and wow, I feel as much accomplishment as I do when my wife makes me clean the bathrooms... Here are the reasons it sucks: 1) I don't get to see the parts added to the space ship. 2) I don't have to wait X amount of turns until it takes off, leaving...
  2. R

    I miss my Axemen

    Anyone else sad at the demise of the Axemen? It Civ3 and Civ4 it was glorious when you finally got bronze working and started making Axemen to chop down barbs and rival civs. I miss my little sadomasochistic looking axemen wearing their weird little fetish outfits and their over-sized axes...
  3. R

    AI giving up cities?

    In previous versions of Civ it was nearly impossible to get the AI to give up cities during a peace negotiation. Now in my current game I was invaded by greece, he took two of my cities cuz my military sucked. I quickly built some swordsmen and horsemen, took my cities back and then razed one...
  4. R

    Total Realism mod leader assasination.

    I was just playing a game of this excellent mod, and Elizabeth assisanted the leader of my captial and cause the citizens to go into chaos (similar to a revolt). I sent a ninja over to her capital to try to do the same thing, but I can't figure it out. Anyone play this mod and know how to do...
  5. R

    Who should I attack next?

    I'm playing on prince and I'm in the process of wiping out Isabella, she's great in bed and all, but it's time for her to go! I just declared peace with her so I can get my military under control, but like an idiot she gave me one of her cities on the in the "new world" which I'm going to use...
  6. R

    First one to circumvent the globe

    What's the benefit of this? I never do it, but I always get the message that someone did it and I hear that depressing sound effect like I'm a failure. :blush:
  7. R

    Good Mod

    I'm interested in installing a Civ 4 mod, but which are good? I see many in the Mod forum, but I want a recommendation on which is one of the better mods to install?
  8. R


    What's a good placement for this? I was thinking of putting in my military city with Heroic Epic so I can pump out units fast, but I'd also like to put West Point there. Also, when it says "+50% with iron" "+35% with coal" or whatever, does that mean I must have coal or iron inside the city...
  9. R

    Money Question

    I think I made a mistake, but I should be able to recover from this. I'm playing Prince level with Aztecs. As soon as I was able to build Jaguars I wiped out Egypt and Incas and took most of their cities. Near the end of this battle my gold reserves were depleted, my science was at 10% and...
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    Besides the ability to cause some serious damage to a city, is there any benefit to having a good arsenal of these? Does it discourge another Civ from attacking you?
  11. R

    Killing upgraded RedCoats

    England just declared war on me for no reason, and my armies were occupied with two other wars going on. Now I have to deal a squad or redcoats camping outside of a boarder city getting ready to invade. I've saved the game and then tried to attack them with cavalry and riflement, but they keep...
  12. R

    Trading resources... trading "1 of 1" not give me use of the resource?

    When I get a resource, like gold or wheat, and then I want to trade with another civ, on the diplomatic table it says I have "Wheat 1 of 1". Does that mean if I trade that Wheat I will no longer have use of it?
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