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  1. Aabraxan

    Game doesn't fit on TV

    Does anyone else have a problem with the game fitting on the TV? On mine, the upper ribbon is cut off at the top, so that I can't read what's up there. That, of course, means spending a lot of time on Reports trying to figure out how my empire is doing. Any ideas on a fix for this?
  2. Aabraxan

    [Vanilla] An old warhorse, Act II

    Some of you may have noticed my other thread, An old warhorse comes home. As I noted at the end of that thread, I finished that game, winning by Domination. I like to keep things pretty much standard & average until I get my feet under me. I'll also be the first to admit that since I kicked...
  3. Aabraxan

    Wait button?

    I posted this in the Quick Questions thread, and it was suggested that I might get better answers here. Anyone know?
  4. Aabraxan

    An old warhorse comes home

    I'm not exactly where to put this. Mods, if it's in the wrong place, please move it and accept my humble apologies for the inconvenience. The TLDR: It's one part nostalgic ramble and one part questions about Civ 6. Years ago, I bought Civ 3 Complete, and it pretty well consumed my gaming...
  5. Aabraxan

    Aabraxan Awakes: No More Mister Nice Guy

    Aabra Awakes: No more Mister Nice Guy Chapter 1: I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing Till they got a hold of me I opened doors for little old ladies I helped the blind to see I got no friends 'cause they read the papers They can't be seen with me And I'm gettin' real shot down...
  6. Aabraxan

    The Return of an Old Newbie

    I posted this over at Apolyton, but haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd try posting it here. The AC forum here seems to have picked up as of late, so I'm hoping that I can get some advice. Also, a quick question about combat: I'm used to putting everything in a stack (from C3C)...
  7. Aabraxan

    Quick Answers to Newbie Questions

    When I was a new C3C player, one of the handiest threads up in the C3 forum was "Quick Answers / Newbie Questions." I have noticed that the SMAC/SMAX section lacks one. Accordingly, I thought I'd start one, in part because I reinstalled SMAC today (after a several year hiatus), and I have a...
  8. Aabraxan

    Uncharted Territory: Aabraxan Plays Nice.

    Uncharted Territory: Aabraxan Plays Nice. Based on requests from my last story, The Clone Wars, I've decided to play nice in this game. Hoooo boy, this one's going to be hard on me! When I get bored, I have a tendency to go beat up my neighbors. :blush: Anyway, I'm not very good with...
  9. Aabraxan

    The Clone Wars

    Chapter 1: The Clone Wars Commence Aabra-cadaabra is over & it's time for me to move on to the next story. While reading CFC one day months ago, I came across several comments regarding Respawn AI and I had an idea. What about an AWM game with Respawn AI turned on? In following through on...
  10. Aabraxan

    An Archive of Training Day Games

    One of the common bits of advice that I give to new players is that they look up Training Day Games & read through them. They are, in my humble opinion, one of the best tools that a new player can use to improve his or her game. I benefited from the ones in which I participated, & had a great...
  11. Aabraxan

    A playable start

    Over the past few months, I've played a number of AW games, in addition to the Demigod Iroquois game that I've got going. I was digging through some old saves recently, and dug out this one, and thought I'd post it here, just because it was such a great start. As I recall events, I had decided...
  12. Aabraxan

    Aabra-cadaabra: Demigod Iroquois

    Aabra-cadaabra: Demigod Iroquois Welcome to Aabra-cadaabra: Demigod Iroquois. A while back, I began playing Emperor in my solo games and, over the past few months, I've noticed that the "tipping point," where I begin to feel like the game is just a matter of time before it's won, has been...
  13. Aabraxan

    Multiplier Buildings: A Practical Primer

    A new book entry has been added: Multiplier Buildings: A Practical Primer
  14. Aabraxan

    Awn of an Ynasty

    Chapter 1: Awn of an Ynasty I've heard it said by players far better than I that, below a certain level (Monarch or Emperor is often cited), you simply should not build defensive units. . . nothing but offensive ones. I have decided to put that theory to the test. In this game, the only...
  15. Aabraxan

    A MOO2 question, out of curiosity

    Of all the games of MOO2 that I've played, one thing that I've never seen is the AI using a wormhole. It's as if the AI either doesn't see them or just doesn't know how to use them. I'm curious as to whether this ever happens. Has anyone ever seen the AI jump through a wormhole?
  16. Aabraxan

    Aabra02: Hammy Builds a House

    Aabra02: Hammy Builds a House Welcome to Aabra02: Hammy Builds a House. That's right: a house. Not two, not a subdivision, but one lone house. This will be an Emperor-level game of the One Built City variant. Unsurprisingly, we'll play as the Babylonians. The Statistics...
  17. Aabraxan

    Star Lords

    Reading the recent thread and reviews prompted me to go to the MOO3 website, just to nose around. While I was there, I noticed some stuff about Star Lords, which is supposed to have been the precursor to the original Master of Orion. Just in case anyone is interested, FilePlanet does have Star...
  18. Aabraxan

    The Unluckiest Lucky Start

    THE UNLUCKIEST LUCKY START: I just got my first solo Emperor win, but decided along the way that I'm just not quite done with Monarch. I decided that, what I really need to do is spend a little more time at Monarch. I'd rather have mastery than mystery at that level before I make "The Great...
  19. Aabraxan

    Multiplier Buildings: A Practical Primer

    MULTIPLIER BUILDINGS: A PRACTICAL PRIMER Some time ago, Tone was kind enough to explain the basics of multiplier buildings to me in this post. With his permission, I have reworked his original post in an attempt to create a strategy article. One of the items that commonly confuses new...
  20. Aabraxan

    One obstinate governor.

    I've got an obstinate governor on my hands. I just started a new game: Emperor, Dutch, continents, random opponents. Amsterdam is 1 turn from growing from size 2 to size 3. I've got "emphasize production" on, and "manage citizen moods" off. They are the same settings that I always use, but...
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