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  1. Algeroth

    RIP Terry Pratchett
  2. Algeroth

    Estonian Security Police officer forcefully abducted and taken to Russia I think he just volunteered to take a holiday in Russa.
  3. Algeroth

    (At least) 1400 children sexually abused in Rotherham WTF, Britain?
  4. Algeroth

    Good luck, Mr. Armstrong

    Astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82 R.I.P.
  5. Algeroth

    Educational reform and stopping brain drain Hungarian style The students already protested, claiming that they would becme essentially serfs to the state. But the BBC article is missing one detail: Students have to work the contracted number of years in 20 years. Does have anyone any idea how this...
  6. Algeroth

    Have the GB the right to extradite Assange from foreign embassy?

    Ragarding the Assange situation, could GB really fulfil its threats to Ecuador and extradite Assange? I have googled up this: Source Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987 So, have the GB right to extradite Assange or not? BTW, this is thread aout the legality of the threat...
  7. Algeroth

    Another outrageous encroachment of private company into politics

    Source: Good move, but I guess it will confuse many people. The "private business have no place in politics" crowd tend to view this as a Good thing, but on the other hand for most of the...
  8. Algeroth

    Another world wonder down? Mali apparently just discovered Computers and we can say goodbye to another world wonder from Civilization. I'm really worried about the manuscripts. This alliance didn't turned out well for the Tuaregs.
  9. Algeroth

    R.I.P. Ray Bradbury This is it, death finally got him. He was the last great scifi writer from his era and superb author of short stories. R.I.P.
  10. Algeroth

    Ask a Biologist

  11. Algeroth

    Ask a Biologist

    Biologists of all CFC, unite! For too long we have read Ask a ... threads from philosophers, economists, engineers, programmers, mathematicians and others. Time has come for biologists to have their own thread, where they could answer questions from their field of science. Do you have...
  12. Algeroth

    Can'tfinish wonder

    In the Game 531, noone from the Egyptian civilization seems to be able to finish a wonder as GPs pop out if it should be finished.
  13. Algeroth

    What civilization would be best for OCC?

    In the previous Civ I started playing OCC to evade the tedious micromanagment that the game was in the later eras. Civ V gives some new things for this style of play, mainly the addition of city states. Now, when we know the abilites of all the civilizations, i would like to ask you on your...
  14. Algeroth preview (8/6) The google translate doesn't work well on czech, but i'm posting this mainly for the buch of new screenshots. But there are two points woth mentoning -They are complaining about the lack of information about other...
  15. Algeroth

    Levi-Strauss is dead Well, I would say it was a good hundred years of life. RIP
  16. Algeroth

    RFC Europe: Religion

    While it was disscused a while back that there will be only Catholicism, Islam, Orthodoxy, Protestantism and as a special case the Judaism. But AFAIK no more progress was made on this. My two questions: How will the Judaism will be spread? Via events? And how will be Protestantism...
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