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  1. J

    Tips for deity game

    Hi there I am playing as Etiopia, deity, standard speed, pangaea. Situation is shown in images and save. I was lucky to get a "semi isolated start" between 2 mountain ranges and with only Nebu as a close neighbor. I am wondering if I should; -start expanding to the east -just settle...
  2. J

    Lag of events cause "crash" bug from time to time

    Hi So basically the game seems not to update what is going on with runes, meeting city states etc. then at some point, all the events are shown and sometimes i get the unlucky sideeffect of the game simply freezing. An example i freee a worker and decide to keep it .. then when the game...
  3. J

    Tips for deity game needed

    Hi guys I have been playing civ for many years and enjoyed the help of this forum alot. I usually win Immortal pretty easy but find the leap to deity to be huge. (I can win in gimmi situations, babylon/overpowered starts from time to time) To my point; in my game the situation is looking...
  4. J

    Can you enhance another religion if you capture their capital ?

    Title says it all. Can you enhance another religion if you capture their capital ? I have been playing around with this though since my opponent went ahead and founded goddess of the sea on a Arcipelago map. Can i capture his capital and then absorp that religion as my own including the...
  5. J

    Anoying sheeps in the mountains - Incan civ

    Hi I was just wondering if anyone else is really anoyed with sheeps in the mountains when playing the Incan. You often lose out on alot of food, since you cant build terrace farming. Is this really the intention ?
  6. J

    Mass production of Great Generals & Imperialistic trait

    This thread besically tells the story and strategy of my last game. Decided to play as Augustus Caesar due to his traits (Ind/Imp). My strategy was to build the great wall early and then try to annoy the nearest aggressive AI. sounds like a bad plan right or ? Well here is the plan...
  7. J

    Starting locations, how are they created ?

    Hello. I am just wondering how starting locations are generated. In the last copple of BTS games, i´ve recieved what other might call insane starting locations. See the two pictures below. I just reloaded the second after I took a screen shot. Does anyone know how it is created ...
  8. J

    Quest: Take holy city ....

    I´m in a game right now and just got the task to take the holy city. I´m at war with Montezuma (Suprise) and he got the holy city for my religion.... Now my problem is that it will take a long time to take he´s holy city (thats he´s capital) so i would like to know what the reward is ? If...
  9. J

    Map request & help

    Hello there :) I´m new to the forum and just started to play civ4 again with the new BTS expansion ;) I´ve been trying to figure out how to re-design an allready finished map, but i haven´t succesed.. :( , so i would like one to make the following changes to pretty´s Europa map, which i´ve...
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