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  1. rogue131

    Turns of revolt

    I thought it be interesting if we approach the current Egyptian revolution from a Civ 4 perspective. It appears Cairo is experiencing :mad: in the cities, and a bit of :yuck:, due to a gross lack of :gold: and :food: for the nation, as well as as -10 for "we cannot forget your years of cruel...
  2. rogue131

    What! No Civ 5!

    Just thought I'd get this grievance out to people who will understand. I'm in the Navy stationed in Stuttgart, Germany and the base exchange has yet to stock Civ 5, but they put in all the other new games, but not Civ 5. :mad: What the heck!
  3. rogue131

    New to MP

    I've been playing on Noble for a while, big fan of Earth maps the more realistic the better. My biggest gripe is the diplomatic and warfare, it just doesn't feel real enough you know? I mean your enemy always ends up being the same and your allies don't change, unless you turn the tables of...
  4. rogue131

    battle question

    I haven't purchased CIV 5 yet, I'm actually on the fence post and waiting to see if there are patches and improvements. I like to live by the old IT code, "the first version always has problems." But I'm wondering, how is the new combat system? If you've played it yet and can give me an...
  5. rogue131

    reformation and byzantine

    I understand there are mods floating everywhere for this. But Rhye, I trust your judgement. Is there a mod out there that has Protestantism as a religion, to intensify European religious wars, but yet still keeps Judaism for the potential of Israel standoff in the Middle East. Also I was...
  6. rogue131

    Playable Leader Idea?

    :bowdown: I think Phil Davison, should be a playable leader. He'd make Monty sh*t his pants.
  7. rogue131

    China on Earth

    Who else thinks China is a punk on the Earth maps? Qin Shi Huang conquers mad territory, while Toku is an easy target on that map. Just a matter of island hoping. Still, Monty, Hatshepshut, and Qin grow massively large. Damn expanionist ways!:mad:
  8. rogue131

    Granny's back

    The Civilization addicts have returned, with Edna the ICBM, atomic war-mongering mother---- granny. Don't know if the video has already been posted, but I nearly pissed myself laughing :lol: at about 1:34 when she starts talking...
  9. rogue131

    Favorite leader's theme?

    Just wondering, what leader/civilization's theme music is one of your top three favorites. General discussion of course, just talking. I'd have to say my top three would be: 1. Gilgamesh 2. Justinian I 3. Catherine That's just me though? Taking kind of a poll here.
  10. rogue131

    Monty video So I'm stumbling around YouTube, checkin out Civilization strategy videos and I come across this "screen test" I guess of Monty for Civ 5. I can only imagine the translation. "I am Montezuma of the Aztecs, give me your gold or I send in the...
  11. rogue131

    I love the privateers

    Just saying, BTS, privateer. My new favorite unit! I'm raiding empires like crazy and no one knows :lol: Too bad as soon as they get past the frigate and galleon stage, my privateers won't matter much anymore.
  12. rogue131

    Alliance Transport

    Something that always bothered me, why can't an ally's troops travel on my Galleons/Transports? It happens in the modern Navy, which I'm in, all the time. This probably exists in multiplayer, I don't know, I haven't played an MP.
  13. rogue131

    Warlords Patch 2.13 Install Problem

    So recently, due to losing my original copy of Civilization 4 due to PCS move between Duty Stations. I had to go out and get the Gold version complete with Warlords expansion. I saw Rhye's 24 civ map and was psyched! That gives me more bodies to elminiate :lol: So I download the map, doesn't...
  14. rogue131

    Perpetual warfare

    I haven't fully succeeded in creating an Orwellian society. But I believe I have come close to it.... I played as the Americans, opened up the world builder and deleted all the other civs, except for the chinese and the russians... Chinese=EastAsia Russia=Eurasia Thus the...
  15. rogue131

    Orwell's 1984 Mod

    still working on creating a world modeled after Orwell's 1984. Basically, i start the game as the English and erase all other civs (using World Builder) excpet the Russian and the Chinese. Then I play the game and form cities in the Americas and Australia. I start the revolt into a State...
  16. rogue131

    The Birth Of The People's Party

    In the year 1933, the country of The Republic of the Commonwealth covered the vast portions of North and South America and England and Australia. The Commonwealth was ruled by President Octavio (a despot who enslaved the working class)This tyrant demanded that all people worship a the...
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