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  1. G

    Cartwrights and other mechanical "healers"

    I was under the impression that the various units which assist in healing (medical and veterinary), education (storytellers/bards/etc.), and law enforcement were made unable to merge/split because it caused problems with the calculation of their special attributes. I have noticed in my current...
  2. G

    Exile Practices no longer expires

    I noticed in my current game (SVN 11384) that the building "Exile Practices" no longer has an expiration tech. If I'm correct in my understanding, this means that it will never go away, which I don't think is "operating as intended".
  3. G

    The Tsar's Three Hundred?

    While browsing the Civilopedia just now, I ran across a definite "WTF?" instance: apparently, Leonidas I is now considered one of the great Russian leaders! (This would no doubt come as something of a surprise to both the Russian and the Greek people... although I suspect that the Klingons would...
  4. G

    City Placement Enabling Tech for Marsh?

    I have searched through the Civilopedia and the Tech Tree, and I can't find any mention of which technology enables a player to settle a city on a marsh tile. Because of this, I would suspect that this wasn't allowed... except that the Civilopedia entry for the mangrove modification to the marsh...
  5. G

    BUG Options question

    How do I save the BUG Options I've selected from one game session to the next? In my current game, I'm using the Auto Promote/Auto Upgrade options and changing the default clock setup (I prefer not to have it alternating on me, but rather to have all my preferred information available at all...
  6. G

    Suggestion for Diplomacy Screen interface

    Can we at least have the option of placing the player's icon on the edge of the circle of leaders as opposed to in the center? It really bugs me to have my portrait showing up in the middle, particularly when there are an even number of opponents known to me - when that occurs, the relationship...
  7. G

    To the mod team here -

    I've been meaning to ask: is Revolutions viable in this version? I kinda miss it...
  8. G

    Very, very effective tactic... (and man alive, I hope the AI never learns how to use this one)

    I've been running my first v37 game, and am now up to the early/mid Classical Era. I have to admit, the AIs are doing a much better job of staying competitive with me - they were a little slow off the mark when it came to expanding from their first cities (I had five up and going by the time...
  9. G

    A problem with buildings

    I have noticed that several national buildings, such as the French salon, the Zulu ikhanda, and the Dutch dike, are classified by this mod as either National or Great Wonders rather than as buildings. Among other issues, this means that you can only build one of each of these in your empire - a...
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