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  1. C

    Alpha testers needed for Steph's mod 2

    I can wait. I'm busy myself too.
  2. C

    Merry Christmas

    log off and see what I mean ;)
  3. C

    Merry Christmas

    It is actually nice that you transform your forum into a Christmas delight, and even better, you don't use the words "Happy Holidays" in them as well. I'm sick of those protesters fighting the Christmas Spirit with the emotionless phrase "Happy Holidays", if I wanted to greet someone of a...
  4. C

    Alpha testers needed for Steph's mod 2

    It's just a beta, It would just hinder the experience, I'll wait till it's fully released.
  5. C

    Rome Sweet Rome (Oct 23, 2008)

    Your opinion is your opinion, my opinion is my opinion, an opinion is not a fact. I just think what I think, examples such as I don't like the band Disturbed, Halo 3, or Hip Hop. (which I don't)
  6. C

    Rome Sweet Rome (Oct 23, 2008)

    *sigh* I was talking about those English units, this is my overall rating.
  7. C

    Funny Videos I

    Have you seen the commercial of a blanket with sleeves, and thought to yourself, are they in a cult? Well, you are not alone
  8. C

    Funny Videos I

    That got deleted :( Heres something related Adolf Hitler Gets His Groove On
  9. C

    Funny Videos I

    One of My Favorites, Darth Vader makes fun of Luke
  10. C

    Funny Videos I

    Axl Again Axl Again SIGH Axl Again Got The Point I Hope Axl de nuevo 再次 Be warned, they contain some language
  11. C

    Funny Videos I

    This video I enjoyed in multiple ways: Angus Young vs Nutcase Nevertheless, he handled it like a pro, unlike: Mr. Axl Rose
  12. C

    Rome Sweet Rome (Oct 23, 2008)

    I a way, you are both right about the texture part, but the Dragoon's colors really stand out compared to the default Cavalry in CivIII, and I don't mean that in a good way. :sad: I know I criticize with units, and that it is ironic that I don't release any of mine. But in truth is, my units...
  13. C

    Post Short Single Player Tips Here

    unless your against an underachiever civ, fighters before bombers.
  14. C

    Rome Sweet Rome (Oct 23, 2008)

    Sandris, I'm not very crazy with all of these primary colors and the somewhat lack of texture in your units. BUT, animation is one of the best I've seen and that certainly deserves a gold star. You have potential. I recommend your units to anyone.
  15. C

    Alpha testers needed for Steph's mod 2

    Have you ever thought of featuring some Multi-Figured units? Its rare people do in a mod, and this would actually make it more fun yet realistic. Ever since I re-installed Civ3, I have been actually been looking forward to this mod.
  16. C

    Funny Pics XII: Awesome Crappiness

    Advertising deleted. Idiots, I was giving my myspace link. PDMA - warned. Flaming a moderator - warned.
  17. C

    The Easiest Method of M-Unit Creation

    My question wasn't answered.
  18. C

    The Unit Library

    so in this case, neither is responsible. just from some site by an anonymous guy. ok, well, anyway, this conversation I really wasn't really here for, just the updates of the library, thanks for your help though.
  19. C

    The Unit Library

    hmm, I can't exactly take a side in this case. well thanks for the info i guess. but in that case, Wyrmshadow re-texturizes some of the duo's units, well at least give them some credit than, all it says is in the txt. in the download, "created by wyrmshadow". But still, I can agree what...
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