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  1. L

    Lincoln, Slaver -- An RPC

    Lincoln, Slaver -- An RPC Ah, good ol' honest Abe Lincoln. the man who united the union when she was broken up in war. The man who kept the slave trade....wait a minute, that can't be right. *checks notes* Huh. Guess it is right this time around. Then again, this time around, it's a Civ IV...
  2. L

    BTS Roleplay Challange: Roosevelt

    ROFL, I feel like I'm jumping on a bandwagon.... Anyways, I feel like improving my game. And what better way then giving my self a handicap a la Slobberingbear's Roleplay Challenge? I'm only a Warlord right now, no where near Slobbering or Sisiutil skill level. But, hey, we all started off low...
  3. L

    Movement =/= Fortify

    Okay, this is odd thing that happened to me. I'll post up a save pulling off thi bug, er...tomorrow, unless someone would like to try to make it happen again off of this one. Had a stack of guys on a hill next to an enemy city. Go to attack with the stack (as a whole group, not individual...
  4. L

    which way to win...

    Heh, This is the first time I've settled on how to win this early in a game, but I don't know which one to do, Culture or Domination. I have an odd feeling I could go either way...any suggestions? (And, either way, I'm sacking at least one of the Ottoman's cities for the Marble, and Asoka's...
  5. L

    Old scenario, new setting?

    I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, but did someone make the old Test of Time scenario for Civ IV? I forget the name of it, but it was kinda fun. It was the one where your descendants come to your time to change the future, and you try to stop them. The only problem I see in...
  6. L

    Odd Crashes...

    It's happened twice, but hasn't been too serious for the game... BtS has crashed....three times on me? Might be only twice, but eh, whatever. The crashes happened in the later eras, after I had been playing on my Gateway Laptop for a few hours. Laptop has a ATI Radeon Xpress 200M, 1.78 GHz...
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