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  1. O

    My Ideas for Improving the Series

    I have been away from the forums for quite some time and only just started playing Civ 5 and thought I should get back into the community by sharing some Ideas that I had. Now these have probably all been shared many times over, but I thought I would put them out there anyway to see what people...
  2. O

    Economic Victory

    While Civ revolutions often gets bash alot on here, I quite liked it for a quick light strategy game on the PS3. One thing I liked was the economic victory. I would really like to see that in Civ 5 too. Something like reach 50k and having built a specific building would add yet another way to...
  3. O

    Exploration and explorers

    I've been playing civ 4 alot lately and I keep coming back to the conclusion exploration is really under played in civ 4. I appriciate that we have the fog of war and complete darkness where we haven't been before. But apart from finding the other civs and the odd hut there isn't much value...
  4. O

    Epic Earth Map

    Gday, I am after a huge earth map, with all the civs playing on it at once from the dawn of time till a long time in the future. I would like one where each turn represents a year, if that is avaliable. Bigger the map the better. I want the biggest most epic mod avaliable, the long it takes...
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