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  1. J

    Bug in the CovertOps display

    I noticed this bug in the Civ 5 Beyond Earths covert ops system. If I remember correctly the exact same bug is also present in every other Civ 5. What happens is, when you select a spy from the list, if there are multiple cities on the same hex column, it displays intrigue info for all those...
  2. J

    Who else agrees that Civ 5 has been dumbed down?

    I just finished my first game on the weekend, heres the initial thoughts. + The new combat system and hex grid is much better. + I like how cities expand! No more "optimizing" city placing by leaving a cross pattern of squares for each city (that was just a pain in the ass) + I'd consider...
  3. J

    Some Small Tips I found.

    Just set the new indian convert to 'live among the natives' as soon as he appears so you will get a more useful expert instead after waiting a bit. Though sometimes a +1 all around outdoor work bonus is useful too if you have to shift between jobs..
  4. J

    Winning on higher difficulty level impossible?

    I was having the same issue just yesterday. My cities were growing at such a rate (by themselves!) that the rebel sentiment was just stuck at 47% even though I waited for around 50 turns and had 3 statesmen(most of which were elder statesmen) in all my colonies.. So to fix the situation; when...
  5. J

    Col Bug Fixes / Feature Enhancements Patch

    I've been annoyed by the fact that in the new colonization if you want to move less than 100 of something you have to press and hold shift beginning from when you press down the mouse button to drag the item. In the old game I think it was so that you have to press and hold shift only during the...
  6. J

    Some questions about the final product

    As far as I know theres a chance for the population to increase when you produce extra food. I think there was a screenshot from the new game on one of the previews that showed a 'poplulation has increased in a settlement..' message. Anyway, looks good to me, already preordered the game. :)
  7. J

    Can't Create Corporations

    Urgh. . I was having the exact same problem just a few moments ago. Thanks for the answer MrCynical.
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