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  1. P

    [BTS] New Resource Help - Wrong Icon in Civilpedia

    Yea this might be the best way. I am using now an high empty number, better to have nothing show up than the wrong icon! Thanks Zeta!
  2. P

    [BTS] New Resource Help - Wrong Icon in Civilpedia

    ok, I found it, its the FONT index <BonusArtInfo> <Type>ART_DEF_BONUS_AMBER</Type> <fScale>1.0</fScale> <fInterfaceScale>1.0</fInterfaceScale> <NIF>Art/amber_1.dds</NIF> <KFM/> <Button>Art/amber_1.dds</Button>...
  3. P

    [BTS] New Resource Help - Wrong Icon in Civilpedia

    Hi all, I made a new resource that is being generated by a building. All fine, resource works, building works, only thing that goes wrong is the following. I took the Hollywood building as a template. Now in the Civilpedia and when I hoover over the building in the city screen, it shows the...
  4. P

    [BTS] Default Settings for Multiplayer

    Hi all, did anyone figure out where the default settings for multiplayer lobby are stored? We would like to have our standard amount of enemies enabled, standard victory goals, etc etc I only found a thread where it was recommended to have a macro set it for you, but that was from 2009, hoping...
  5. P

    Will there ever be a market for Civ IV remake?

    Civ4 for me all the way. I hate it that Civ6 feels like you are being penalized for building a civilization, each settler, trader and worker increased in costs...Also, civ4 with BTS was allround great game. Still playing it coop!
  6. P

    [BTS] Units or Buildings for Traits not Civs

    Thanks Night, I'll give that a shot :)
  7. P

    [BTS] Units or Buildings for Traits not Civs

    ok, quick question, is it possible to make buildings or units available for specific traits only, not to civs. So its like a UU for trait, not civ. I couldnt figure out if its possible, but you people are awesome, so I am sure you have the answer :)
  8. P

    [BTS] FlankingStrikes doesnt seem to work for Naval

    Awesome, thanks for the tip merijn, gonna give that a shot as soon as I get home from work :)
  9. P

    [BTS] FlankingStrikes doesnt seem to work for Naval

    Hi all, I tried to give my submarines FlankingStrikes on Transports, so I copied the code from a Horseman, put it into a submarine and changed to target to Transport. Booted the game, loaded the mod, in the game, it says correctly, submarine gets flanking attacks on transports, however...
  10. P

    [R&F] Mod enabled but not applying (first mod)

    I'll give that a shot, thanks!
  11. P

    [R&F] Mod enabled but not applying (first mod)

    Hi guys, I think I am doing something wrong here, I made my first attempt with Modbuddy and it is enabled in my game. But the mod isnt applying, e.g. tried to turn off Cost progression for settler, but costs still go up. Cost progression isnt hard-coded, right, should be overwrittable? <?xml...
  12. P

    [BTS] Python doesnt trigger in MOD

    OMG, I think I am a bloody idiot...I put the Python folder next to Assets, instead of in Assets....testing now Yup, the bloody idiot award goes to me.....all fine now, I indeed put the Python folder in wrong location....aargh, sorry for wasting your time Nightinggale!
  13. P

    [BTS] Python doesnt trigger in MOD

    Ok, done, ran the game, build the improvement, code didnt trigger. I attached both PythonDbg.log and PythonErr.log. Had a look in PythonDbg.log, didnt see a mention of the onImprovementBuild action. The code you posted, def onImprovementBuilt(self, argsList): 'Improvement Built' print...
  14. P

    [BTS] Python doesnt trigger in MOD

    Hi guys, so made mod for 3.17 (dvd version) of game by modding straight into the game files, not using a seperate MOD to load. I am now building it into a proper mod that can be loaded seperately, which works, but the python code that works in 3.17 doesnt work in 3.19 (steam version). The code...
  15. P

    [BTS] Plant Forest Mod - Cant get it to work

    Gracias!!!!!!!!!!!! Tested and works like a charm now.
  16. P

    [BTS] Plant Forest Mod - Cant get it to work

    Hi guys, trying to get a plant forest mod to work, following the guide here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/request-simple-plant-forest-mod.360619/page-2 So it all works, up-until triggering the conversion from tree-nursery to forest (e.g. the python bit). Got this as code: ##...
  17. P

    Current state of game?

    Thanks for the update, massive Civ4 player, so wasnt impressed by 5. Had good hopes for 6, but seems need to avoid it until I can mod in my own "corrections" Cheers!
  18. P

    Current state of game?

    Can I ask a follow up question, on the current state of the game, has it been turned into a Civ Building game yet? What I mean - Do settlers still increase costs or do they now have standard cost - Same for traders, workers and districts? - Has the religion spam been fixed Any info would be...
  19. P

    Marathon Speed - Unit XP

    Hi guys, did some searching, but couldnt find any mention of this. On Marathon speed, the XP for units seems broken. Level 1 = 45 XP. For level 2, you need well into the 100's. Is there a mod that sets XP needs to something normal for Marathon speeds? Cheers, Pir ps. I havent patched the...
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