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    The Hills Have Eyes

    So I got an event that I've never gotten before, or at least this late in the game. "A small tribe of friendly locals have granted refuge to our beleaguered Mobile Artillery". First of all, it wasn't beleaguered. It was missing maybe like 1 health point. Second of all, who are these hill people...
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    Founding Religions

    I was researching Polytheism and I was due to be finished the next turn. The next turn rolls around and... I don't found it. It has been founded in a distant land. How does that work? How is it decided who gets the religion? :confused:
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    In BTS multiplayer...

    Does it go "out of sync" a lot on people? My friend and I are trying to play and it will be out of sync. What's the matter? :confused: And also: He and I can't direct connect. And we don't understand why...
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    Forcing 'Em to Leave

    I hate having multiple religions in my country. I get one religion (preferably a Western one) and stick with it. I hate (HATE HATE HATE) having multiple religions in my country. :mad: My question is can I force a religion to leave my city after it's got a foothold if it's not my state...
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