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  1. S

    How do I add spells?

    I already figured out how to make simple spells like direct damage spells and buffs in xml, but how do I make more complex spells like terraforming?
  2. S

    Who is your favorite elven leader in epic game?

    So, wich elven leader do you enjoy playing most? And why do you enjoy playing exactly this leader? For me it's Amelanchier, I like raiding my opponents with endless streams of elven archers. And I don't have any problems defending my own lands.
  3. S

    Who are your favorite leaders for using magic?

    (This poll only includes leaders who get traits with direct boosts for arcane units (arcane/summoner), leaders with adaptive are also listed in the poll as they can get arcane or summoner but put in brackets as they aren't realy arcane or summoner leaders, and prepentach is also put in brackets...
  4. S

    Sugggestion: unique wonder for Amurites

    The idea of this wonder is to help the Amurites to survive early game and to finally get the strongest mages in game. Palace of Kylorin -requires Mysticism and three elder councils -costs 180:hammers:-half production speed for organized (to keep the balance between Dain and Valledia)...
  5. S

    Do you want a civilopedia-section for minor leaders?

    Wow, it's the "Ice"- phase. It's just amazing how time progresses (I played FFH since fire). Of course the first thing I did was starting a scenario (with some minor complications:)), and the one thing that I noticed first were all the new leaders. So I checked the civilopedia for information...
  6. S

    Minor Leaders

    Is there a possebilety to add a section "minor leaders" to the civilopedia wich lists all minor leaders, their civilization and some background information? Of course there shouldn't be mentioned wich scenario features them as this would spoil everything.
  7. S

    magic resistance trait

    Hi I found a trait granting the magic resitance promotion to all units exept arcane, siege and naval units. It's not used in the game The question is: Why?
  8. S

    Is this project dead?

    Are you still working on this project?
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