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  1. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    It amazes me that Joe Biden has run two previous disorganized, gaffe-filled, nonsensical presidential campaigns, and yet people are expressing surprise at how inept his campaign is. We should have been expecting this from day one.
  2. metalhead

    What does the American Conservative stand for anymore?

    My libertarian cousin applied for and got a HUD grant to rehab a house in a particular urban neighborhood. He also voluntarily quit his job and my conservative mother was happy he was able to get unemployment, even though he doesn't qualify as he voluntarily quit. If you pointed out the...
  3. metalhead

    Postmortem on Mueller

    How did our attacks in either Syria or Libya "start a war?" Nobody denies Steele is referenced in there. Meanwhile there are is another subsection AND 6 or 7 full sections that are completely redacted. Would you conclude from this document that the Steele dossier was the only basis for the...
  4. metalhead

    Clown Car IV: The Dotard and Dunce Parade

    Here's a link to the Carter Page FISA application. You can see for yourself on what bases the FBI applied for a warrant, what justification they had apart from the dossier for believing he was a foreign agent.
  5. metalhead

    Postmortem on Mueller

    How did the U.S. start a war in either Syria or Libya then? We invaded neither country.
  6. metalhead

    Clown Car IV: The Dotard and Dunce Parade

    The problem with correcting you is that it never actually changes what you believe. It wasn't the basis but no matter how many times this is pointed out to you, you ignore it. How about you read the FISA warrant application, and report back to us everything it says about the factual basis for...
  7. metalhead

    Postmortem on Mueller

    You don't think arming the opposition to Maduro in Venezuela counts as "starting a war?"
  8. metalhead

    Is Donald Trump Done for?

    Hey look, Mr. "Not Starting New Wars" is sending additional troops to the Middle East because of tensions with Iran. Between this and the arming of anti-Maduro forces, how close are we to an admission that the assessment of Trump as having this awesome, no-new-wars foreign policy was just...
  9. metalhead

    The Thread Where We Discuss Guns and Gun Control

    People will smash through a car window to scoop up a handful of change left sitting out in the center console. I mean if you're stuck arguing that people are only stealing guns out of cars because their right to own one legally was taken away, you have gone intellectually bankrupt and should...
  10. metalhead

    Postmortem on Mueller

    There was more than enough evidence apart from the Steele Dossier to investigate Carter Page, just from the unredacted parts of his FISA warrant application. It is nonsense to say otherwise. This explains why, and also explains why the inclusion of Steele dossier info in the application was OK...
  11. metalhead

    The Thread Where We Discuss Guns and Gun Control

    We should subsidize gun purchases for low income people, too. It's not really a "right" if it requires money beyond a nominal fee to exercise it.
  12. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    The further removed we get from bad news that highlights Trump's foibles, the better he looks. You can either focus the country's attention on stuff that makes Trump unpopular, or allow Trump to focus the country on stuff that makes him popular. Democrats don't have many tools at their disposal...
  13. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    I never claimed he would be removed from office, and agree that is 100% not going to happen no matter what evidence they uncover. But that doesn't mean that there isn't significant benefit to parading whatever additional crimes Mueller was talking about in front of the American people. I don't...
  14. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    Impeachment might actually happen, and every day that goes by where the administration refuses to comply with subpoenas and such, it becomes more likely. It's also not insignificant that an impeachment inquiry makes it easier to force production of evidence to Congress, and to get it more...
  15. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    The Mueller Report would have ended up with any other American being indicted on several counts of felony obstruction. Maybe these liberals you speak of had a poor understanding of how this would play out in the real world, but the president committed felonies and it's hard to blame people for...
  16. metalhead

    The Thread Where We Discuss Guns and Gun Control

    Or just give people a grace period, under which the government will buy back all newly illegal weapons at fair market value from before any such ban went into effect.
  17. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    But you said there were no facts here, when there are several relevant facts, all of which support my opinion, none of which support yours. Feel free to handwave that away, but the facts are highly relevant to what is more likely to be correct. What facts do you have which lead you to conclude...
  18. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    Failed impeachment did not prevent the Republican from winning the White House in 2000, and one can pretty easily argue, as @Sommerswerd did, that impeachment helped Republicans win in 2000. Impeachment proceedings against Nixon caused him to resign and gave Democrats a huge midterm boost in...
  19. metalhead

    2020 US Election (Part One)

    That's not part of the risk.
  20. metalhead

    Postmortem on Mueller

    Once again, the Rule of Law enthusiasts are out in force, trying to cast legitimate law enforcement activity, supported by warrants with the constitutionally mandated process attached, as somehow not legitimate. God, I just love how freaking hypocritical this is. People are exposing their brain...
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