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  1. F

    A world without consulates

    How are people getting on now that Consulates isnt an automatic pick? What policies are you going for instead, or are you still making consulates work for you? Playing with the beta patch and diety difficulty Ive had some success with 2 approaches: Poland, full tradition, commerce as far as...
  2. F

    Tone down AI Settler spam

    The biggest source of frustration and annoyance for me with this game is the AI settler spam. Is it really necessary to code them to cover every single tile of the world with a city? I hate having to monitor every single possible city location around, and even worse within, my borders that would...
  3. F

    Some tips and tricks

    Hi, long time mostly lurker since the Civ 4 days here. I have been playing Civ 5 endlessly the past few weeks and after reading so much useful stuff posted by Tich and Tommynt decided Id share some stuff of my own in the hope it can be of some use to someone :) Feel free to add any tips of your...
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