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  1. J

    Greece (Modular)

    Looks like it's fixed. :)
  2. J

    Greece (Modular)

    Shucks. Well in the meantime, I've been doing some multiplayer with my friend using your Vikings and Rome modulars. Enjoying it a lot. :goodjob:
  3. J

    Greece (Modular)

    Just a heads up. I tried it again and now it takes me to a download for something called Movie
  4. J

    "Vanilla" units... where are they?

    I'm trying to use some unit graphics that I've downloaded. I've been able to get most of them to work but I'm trying to use one that uses the "Vanilla Longbowman animation". The problem is I can't find the files anywhere. I can find variations like the Middle East, Greco Roman, etc. but not the...
  5. J

    Ancient European Axemen

    The link seems to be broken or File Front deleted/moved it. :(
  6. J

    Natives (Modular)

    Ah, disregard that. I just figured it out. :)
  7. J

    Natives (Modular)

    Is there an easy way to replace some of the units with ones from the other tribes? I really like these civs but some of the units still look like the originals (e.g. European looking Axeman). p.s. I sent you a PM with a better explanation.
  8. J

    Japan (Modular)

    I can't download it. The links just take me to the File Front homepage.
  9. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    I start with Mysticism and Hunting. The best I've been able to do is get priesthood as soon as possible by researching Polythiesm as soon as the game starts, start on the Oracle right away after Priesthood is discovered and go for Monotheism when it's completed. I just moved up to Prince, so I'm...
  10. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Is it just me or is it impossible to found Buddhism or Hinduism on Prince or higher? No matter what I do someone else seems to reach it at least five turns before me.
  11. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Flood Plains occur when a river runs along a desert tile. It's good because it gives you +3 :food: on that tile (more if improved with a farm) but it also gives +0.40 :yuck: in nearby cities.
  12. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Hey guys. My desire to make my Border Reivers fit into my game is totally re-energized. Mechaerik over in the unit graphic customization forum put together some models for me and with a little bit of recoloring this is how they look in my game. I changed the files to have two Reivers led by a...
  13. J

    Unit requests thread

    Hey, I just wanted to thank Mechaerik and everyone involved in getting my Border Reivers made. After a little bit of coloring, here's how they look in my game: I fiddled with it a bit so I could have two Reivers led by a Warden. I gave the Warden a white beard to make him look more...
  14. J

    Unit requests thread

    Yeah, definately. They did eventually evolve to using gunpowder shortly before they died out. Even in their hayday when they used spears and longbows, they still carried a single shot black powder pistol.
  15. J

    Unit requests thread

    Awsome, I got it to work. It looks great. :) If you have time would you be willing to make another reiver using the explorer or conquistador? Also is there a way to mix them so that in the game there's three figures in the unit, two of which are the breastplate and steel cap models and one is...
  16. J

    Unit requests thread

    Now how do I get it into the game? @_@
  17. J

    Unit requests thread

    Thank you! :)
  18. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    I suppose I could go the route of the Gaelic Warrior and give the units a free promotion. Something like Flanking I (paired with the First Strike Immunity and 20% Withdrawl Chance already built into the Horse Archer) could help simulate a highly mobile mounted unit adept at hit and fade tactics...
  19. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    That's true. Plus it's kind of a departure from what the unit is supposed to be. They're not meant to go far from home.
  20. J

    Unit requests thread

    Is there an easy way to take the Keshik unit, remove the Mongol, and put an explorer in the saddle while still carrying the spear?
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