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  1. W

    What to do with Great Scientists in no tech trading games

    I've been heavily addicted to multiplayer the past few months and in most games tech trades are off in order to stop cheating between players. This eliminates the power of bulbs by Great Scientists so I was wondering what to do with them once I settle my first academy in the capital. So far I...
  2. W

    Navies need more power.

    In CIV 4 a navy was not necessary in any map that wasn't named archipelago except for transportation of your army between two continents. Now that transports have been added though the navy doesn't seem as high priority. Not having a Navy against an enemy who did led you to lose your seafood or...
  3. W

    Humans becoming Vassals

    In Warlords I really liked the idea of vassaling an opponent for a faster conquest game but why can't the human vassal either peacefully or through war? What if I just want to culture whore under the protection of a runaway AI so I don't need military and can focus on culture? What if I spawn...
  4. W

    What to do with no metals or horses?

    I have taken a couple of cracks at immortal and found that some games I get boxed in too quickly and have no metals, horses, or ivory. In my recent game with Liz i had iron 3 squares away from my cap and two away from my second city but inside Hammy's culture. :mad: If someone were to get in a...
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