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  1. S

    Which Mod to Choose

    Hello, everyone. It's been about four years since I played any of these mods and I'm not sure what's happened in that time with these projects. So, would you guys be able to recommend which mod I should pursue? Thank you. 3
  2. S

    Change Post-Renaissance with Empires of Smoky Skies?

    I'll take the over 100 views without a response as a no. Does anyone have the inclination and ability to make such a mod? In my ignorance, it seems like it wouldn't be too terribly hard.
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    Change Post-Renaissance with Empires of Smoky Skies?

    Hello, I thought for sure that there would be a mod allowing you to play the normal game with the end techs being from the scenario Empires of the Smoky Skies, but I have not been able to locate one. Is there such a thing?
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    Custom Map Settings

    Hello, I've been playing Fall From Heaven 2 for quite some time now and I've just downloaded Masters of Magic. I was wondering what your favorite custom map settings are. My main problem is that the other civilizations never seem to expand properly and I don't think that I've ever found a game...
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    Certain Civs Always Fail?

    I've played around 25 games of FFH2 and about 10 more using Orbis. They're both wonderful mods, but it seems that certain civilizations always do absolutely poorly. The Clan of Embers, the Mechanos, the Doviello, the Illians, the Khazad, the Luchuirp, the Sidar, and the Scions are always...
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    [MOD] Fall from Heaven II

    Hello, I am playing a game as the Calabim and everything was going splendidly. However, a problem cropped up when I was attacking the Banor to my west. I was halfway through their empire when all of my units were dealt death damage and all of my cities received incredibly high health...
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    Increasing Multiplayer Opponents

    I couldn't find anything regarding this on the forums so I thought I would post the question. My housemate and I play Civ 3 hotseat style. Unfortunately, the games that we play seem to be limited to 8 players(including computers). Is there any mod out or any way to edit the game so that...
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