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  1. H

    Copy protection in Civilization V

    Can we get more posts on this thread than Nickleback has fans!? :lol: I too would buy the game barring any "need to be online to play" DRM. :) Key check, definitely :sad: CD check, if you must... but it's annoying, my 2-year-old can kill that one quick, and many light-weight laptops don't...
  2. H

    How to Deal with a Powerful Empire?

    When faced with what looks like impossible odds in an all-out war I would recommend: A. Hole up your defenses along the border and go for the ToM B. Hole up your defenses along the border and go for the AotL C. Hole up your defenses along the border, pump :culture: to 100% and go for a...
  3. H

    Hell terrain

    There will be ice and tundra versions when hell freezes over :lol:
  4. H

    How to control the Barb spawn rate?

    Thanks, I found the <iLairSpawnRate> setting. Seems like I was getting more Lizardmen than 3% would account for, but I'm willing to accept it. If I've got to WB-kill some Lairs now and then in order to prevent multiple restarts I can accept that. Now where can I find the...
  5. H

    How to control the Barb spawn rate?

    Still fairly new to FFH, and just tried out a couple of games with patch "i". First game as Kazad, then another as Amurite. Both times I had a ruins nearby (~10-15 tiles) and lizardmen just kept pouring out of it. I don't really mind the Barbs coming along, even the lizardmen, as I can pump out...
  6. H

    Teleporting Horsemen

    Must be a new Kuriotate resource fine clothing, jewelry, and tasty hot pastries! :lol:
  7. H

    Altar win and Grigori?

    They CAN build Empyrean Temples? Now I can't wait to get home to check THAT one out Does Life mana also have regeneration, or am I just mistaken?
  8. H

    Altar win and Grigori?

    I've also been playing around with the Grigori, but only seem able to get the aggressive wins. The culture win is pretty tough to get due to the lack of religion, which also makes managing happiness harder than health. There's a thread out there that recounts a culture victory with the Grigori...
  9. H

    Luonnotar has access to spells? Really?

    Champions have been replaced with the UU Dragon Slayers for the Grigori, and no they don't upgrade to Luonnotar.
  10. H

    Luonnotar has access to spells? Really?

    OK, so it is mostly for the Command promotions (miss-named in my original post as Domination). I still do like the Luonnotar, especially for avoiding the spread of the Ashen Veil (Inquisition) and Command (easy to get Command III and Combat V in an adventurer.) Sounds like the captured...
  11. H

    Luonnotar has access to spells? Really?

    So I'm fairly new to FFHII, and have latched onto the Grigori - They're fun and challenging. Having a small army of adventurers to take over the world has been quite rewarding! I see the civilopedia lists the Luonnotar as starting with Channeling II and III, and having access to all of the...
  12. H

    Bomber Support

    And of course that DOES make sense, considering many of the larger bombers in WWII were well armed against fighter attacks. My own Grandfather was a B-17 waste gunner, and likely had the chance to fire on German fighters.
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