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  1. FakeShady

    [BTS] Random civs: Is it possible to set different difficulties for each AI civ?

    Example: If the Chinese start in my game, I want them to be at Prince difficulty. Everytime there's a China in my game they have to be at Prince difficulty. If there's Mali in my game, I want them to be at Cheiftain. All this with AI opponents set to 'random'. Do i have to edit the map file or...
  2. FakeShady

    [BTS] Need help merging 2 mods

    Hey guys, need help merging these 2: (highly recommend both mods btw) 1) Civ4 Reimagined: (direct download link: 2) "Maps with realistic starting...
  3. FakeShady

    [BTS] WHEN to cultural victory?

    I know how to do it, I just never knew why or when I'm supposed to do it. I start a game, tell myself I'm gonna cultural vic, pick Louis and I do cultural victory things. If I win I win. If I lose I lose. Idk why I'm doing it. At which turn do you decide "ok, cultural it is"?
  4. FakeShady

    Enough new art/sounds/music/UHV titles/Cultural names pls

    Its Jan 2012, and though i fully appreciate what the RFC Europe team is doing, i have watched this mod since god-knows-when and now the full version isnt our yet. At this rate the full version probably isnt out by the time the world ends if the Mayans have it their way. Not blaming anyone...
  5. FakeShady

    civ specific modifiers

    Hi, i realized some civs get special modifiers, such as India's research rate being extremely slow, some civs requiring more food to grow, etc. I was just wondering where i could have this edited. Thanks.
  6. FakeShady

    Singapore never becomes a British colony

    okay so i've played RFC for quite some time now and i cant believe i've never spotted this error... My country, Singapore never becomes a British colony in any games ive seen. And the problem is that Khmer almost always settles it before England even has Astronomy, therefore even if Khmer...
  7. FakeShady

    Turn 950AD stability hit

    Was playing as the Carthaginians from the 3000BC start, decided not to go for the UHVs. My stability was at a healthy +5. When the turn AD950 reached, i suddenly dropped right to -24, and the following turn i immendiately lost a city to independance, decreasing my stability even more until i...
  8. FakeShady

    a mod idea to solve STACK OF DOOM problem

    Not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but i just had an idea to solve the problem of stack of dooms, maybe implemented as a mod or something. So basically, all military units, yes all, regardless of whether you're a galley or an artillery, gets the promotion barrage I from the...
  9. FakeShady

    tips to "Montezumize" me please

    I play on Noble, i'm a hardcore culture fanatic, cultural victories has been what im doing since who knows when. My biggest weakness is war. Not just am i weak against one, im bad at the offensive too. Whenever i try to play a warmonger something always goes wrong. Either i cant win the war, or...
  10. FakeShady

    Aztecs and the privateers

    As the aztecs, i am simply unable to get any settlers onto the carribean islands. Not that i cant, but those privateers... GOSH. 4 times had my ships with settlers been sunk by those privateers. Eventually they were unsettled, and Spain build those carribean islands, and i failed my UHV. I have...
  11. FakeShady

    Conquerer's event

    Ok i just started playing the new world civs (Aztecs, Incas), and i would like some information on how to properly prevent, or prepare, or defend against the conquerer's event in the latest version of RFC for bts. Any information would be much appreciated :)
  12. FakeShady

    Unique UHV Rewards

    This is an idea taken from a mod from Civ 5 :) The idea to have a unique reward for each UHV completed, other than the Triumphal Arch and the golden age (which should remain). These rewards may or may not be necessary to achieve the other UHVs. So for example: Portugal: The Navigators-...
  13. FakeShady

    Mongol ability

    How exactly does the Mongol UHV work? I razed a big city, and i expect the smaller city beside it to surrender to me, but it didnt. It seems to work at random
  14. FakeShady

    favourite music in the game?

    Personally my favourite is definitely Baba Yetu, but i gotta admit the Warlords one is almost there! (duh duh duh duh duh duh duh! al lah lah lah lah ahlee duh!)
  15. FakeShady

    main menu question

    Ok so Baba Yetu is the best music for me ever. How do i change the Bts main menu music to the civ 4 vanilla music (all hail Baba Yetu!!!!!!!) and also change the main menu screen to the civ 4 vanilla screen?
  16. FakeShady

    Suggestion: Science victory

    We could change the name of the last tech to... something else. I dont know. Whatever. Does the same. Instead of calling "Industrial Revolution" a technology, we can make a combination of many projects, a bit like the spaceship race in normal Civ4. Im not quite sure about what caused the...
  17. FakeShady

    Customizing RFC:E

    Okay so i admit, many a heated discussion has been started due to different opinions, sometimes started by me. :mischief: I, for example, am very unhappy at the number of units the Ottomans get on spawn, but others, for example, would like the Ottomans to start with a mini nuclear bomb. I have...
  18. FakeShady

    A suggestion: Titles

    So i just downloaded and played SoI, and to be honest i hated that mod so much i deleted after 30 minutes of playing it. But there's one thing about SoI that caught my attention, and that titles. So even though i believe some people have already suggested this, im gonna suggest this be modded...
  19. FakeShady

    Social Policy "Philanthropy" doesn't work

    Yep. My version is the earliest version, since i only just bought the game and have not updated the version yet. But either way, philanthropy, under the Patronage tree, is supposed to give you 25% more city-state influence when you give gold to a city-state. But no, i used this social policy and...
  20. FakeShady

    Suggestion: RFC:BC

    Im surprise no one suggested this (correct me if i'm wrong) But isnt one of the biggest complains of RFC being each turn before 0AD takes up too many years? So basically i suggest this RFC:BC to be just like a RFC game, but the 500 turns to be spread out between 3000BC to 0BC. How that is...
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