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  1. Atoll

    Hammuraby's Epic Fail

    Played as Babylon (v1.11, viceroy, normal speed) and everything seemed to be fine. I was first to discover Writing and Monarchy, then finished Oracle and got Code of Laws. My Babylon was already №1 in both culture and population, so i just sat and waited for victory. As always, Shushan...
  2. Atoll

    Triumph and Tragedy. The RoC story of...

    Preface With one of my AARs completed and another one abandoned, i finally (yeah, after one-year break) decided to start my new story. I never thought i would do it, but... during this year i finally realized that both Civs 4 or 5 (with all their advantages) just weren't my games. Thus, i...
  3. Atoll

    Something wrong with Babylon

    Guys, I have such a problem: playing as Babylon, I noticed that UHV is impossible just by definition! First goal is "be first to discover writing, monarchy and code of laws". OK, i tried several times, but as soon as i discover first of those techs (usually it's writing), - at the same turn...
  4. Atoll

    Ethiopian Chronicles

    Ethiopian Chronicles As my first story (Mother-Russia) ended, I decided to start another one. This time I have chosen the great scenario The Desert and the Mountain - Empires of Africa by Plotinus. This scenario (IMHO word “mod” is more suitable here) has always been one of my...
  5. Atoll

    Mother - Russia (yet another RoC story)

    Mother - Russia (yet another RoC story) A lot of RoC-stories appeared here during last weeks. Reading them eventually inspired me to write my own one, despite even my horrible English (sorry in advance for all future errors and roughness). Unlike Russian cosmopolite and traitor Svetomir, who...
  6. Atoll

    Strange "religious" problem

    When I play scenario a week ago, noticed a very strang thing: 1) If on start of scenario already exist several (but not all) world religions and their Holy Cities, then: 2) When ANY first civilization in scenario discover ANY first technology - then the owners of Holy cities automatically...
  7. Atoll

    World 1800-500 BC

    This is my first scenario that I had the temerity to post here :). In this scenario presented the world in Bronze Age between 1800 and 500 years BC. Be warned: my scenario is very short: only 40 turns at normal speed (1800-500 BC). I know, many do not like it. But I am sure, you all know how...
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