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  1. spryllino

    Pre-SpryNES VI: Tumidi maris imago

    This is a pre-thread for a historical NES, with its starting point in the Mediterranean as it was in 276 BC. This is a fun place to start (I hope!) because (a) it is about the first point in history where a fair bit of Europe was dominated by large territorial states; (b) they are not badly...
  2. spryllino

    SprylliNES V: The Peloponnesian War

    Status: Orders due Sunday 30th June. New players always welcome. Introduction: This NES is set in the 5th Century BC, immediately after the Peace of Nicias is agreed in 421 BC, but before it is implemented. Each turn will be one year long, running from March to March. The terms of the treaty...
  3. spryllino

    Pre-SprylliNES V: The Peloponnesian War

    Introduction This is my first historical NES, and it is set in the 5th Century BC, immediately after the Peace of Nicias is agreed in 421 BC, but before it is implemented. Each turn will be one year long, running from March to March. The terms of the treaty have not been enforced. If you want...
  4. spryllino

    SprylliNES IV: The Eternal Myth

    Status: Update Five has happened! Everyone should write an in-thread story for their character/family, and they should indicate what actions they want their character/family to undertake for Update Six. Note for would-be players: Player stories are canonical in this NES so would-be players...
  5. spryllino


    I was enjoying discussing the matter in the " "Don't Tread On Me, but Imma Tread on Your Head" say Rand Paul Supporters" thread, and so here's a new thread so the discussion may continue, as that thread has been closed. [In short, Traitorfish argues that chivalry has no more of a place in...
  6. spryllino

    SprylliNES III: The Three Dynasts

    Orders Due at the end of Friday 22nd October. Tryplerida, once a single kingdom, stood united for hundreds of years, but now it stands divided between three kings, each with a claim to the whole, and thus it has been for two decades. The old warlords are dead, and they each had a single son...
  7. spryllino

    Happy Birthday Anonymoose!

    Happy birthday!
  8. spryllino

    SprylliNES II: Oracles and Oligarchs

    Status: This NES is regrettably dead. Presently, new players to take existing clans (the An'Topi horse-breeders and farmers, and the Tal Rynn stone masons and miners) are welcome, and players who wish to pursue a different trade are encouraged to diversify either the Tal Rynn or the An'Topi...
  9. spryllino

    SprylliNES: The City of Oracles

    Status: New thread Update 0 Update 1 Update 2 Update 3 Update 4 Each update represents 3 years. Summary: In essence, there is a single city (whose name is "Dis") run by an oligarchy of twenty “kings” and one Priest who each have a seat on the Senate. The players...
  10. spryllino

    SprylliNES Discussion Thread

    This thread is now under use for OOC discussion of SprylliNES II.
  11. spryllino


    What is the point in punishment? Is it necessary or useful? If so, when? Is it right? Is it the main purpose of criminal justice, or does a criminal justice system have other more important purposes? Is it mainly necessary as a deterrent, or for its own sake? Is it merely...
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