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  1. zon

    [GS] REQUEST Governor Ibrahim for any Civ

    Could someone talented create a mod that unlocks Governor Ibrahim for any Civ, official and mod, not just the Ottomans' Suleiman? Many thanks :)
  2. zon

    [R&F] Request: My CS come with barely any resource (max 1-2 on truly abundant YnAMP Giant Earth) - anyone?

    Just posting this here in case someone came across the same phenomenon in recently (December) created games: my city states come with no resource or max 1-2 within their 3 tile city radius. Since i got a ton of mods and after some digging could not come up with any viable idea for a cause of...
  3. zon

    [R&F] Help request: Extra settler for human player at certain plot on YnAMP?

    I just would love to learn how at game start to have an extra settler placed for the human player only / specific nation only on a certain YnAMP location NOT nearby my TSL (i.e. different continent = thus a defined XY location on the map). Can that be handled by script, simple xml or lua? SO...
  4. zon

    [R&F] YnAMP starting settlers at predefined locations MOD request

    How to most simply have a mod that allows a start with a settler each placed already at certain predefined locations on YnAMP? Any pointer how this can be realised by merely editing the custom.sql or custom.xml of YnAMP is much appreciated :)
  5. zon

    [R&F] Only selected City-States

    Hi there, I've been using "Only MOD city-states, but it seems to bug out without fix. My request is for a mod that simply let's you disable certain city states. Many thanks in advance. Cheers, br zon
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