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  1. M

    C2C SVN Changelog

    Sourgeforge is down again.>;(
  2. M

    C2C SVN Changelog

    How do I update my current C2C version to the most recent svn version?sorry im new to this.
  3. M

    Post Feb 1st 2013 - bugs - Single Player

    Ive noticed a annoying bug in the DynamicCivnames mod,it only goes from tribe to city-state to empire and stays there.
  4. M

    C2C SVN Changelog

    I probably should point out that Sourceforge is down.:(
  5. M

    C2C SVN Changelog

    How big is v27 4202?
  6. M

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    Cant you upload somewhere else because Gamefront stinks and im banned from Desura.
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    A New Dawn Beta Builds

    Does anyone know which file?
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    A New Dawn Beta Builds

    Hello Ive downloaded the upgrade but it screws up my mod whenever i load the mod it says just BTS.I need either help or the full install.
  9. M

    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    How do I load a Modern-Era savegame on a huge map with 8 civs without problem?
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    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    Which one:1.76 or 1.75 Patch D?
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    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    The RevDCM Religion option bugs.
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    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    Has the Religon bugs been fixed?
  13. M

    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    Can i use a Pagefile to increase my ram? btw ive now got a 2TB Hard Drive so should i move the game to that one instead of my 160GB drive?:help:
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    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    Ive done that but now it slows to a crawl and then crashes :badcomp:
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    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    How much RAM do i need to play? Ive got 3.85GB:confused:
  16. M

    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    How do i do that?
  17. M

    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    well now i have an even BIGGER problem:when i stop one game and try to start another i get an MAF.:badcomp:
  18. M

    A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

    ive got a problem,everytime i try to start a new game i get a Runtime Error message [Jun 02, 2010 - 13:37:09] Messages while processing 'Resource/Civ4.thm' Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not...
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