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  1. R

    Best Civilization Choice?

    I cannot find any threads on this. Maybe they don't exist? What I'm wondering is what the best choice of Civilization is, in Test Of Time. I am of course asking mostly about Fantasy, sorta for Sci-Fi (Not fond of it...) and the original, if applicable. I like the Buteo. They can fly which is...
  2. R

    Worst Wonder

    Great Wall in a game vs Humans. Lolololol. Cool story, I was LAN'n with two friends last night and one was building it for AGES (he doesn't know how to play CIV very well) and then the other noticed he could have got it in 2 turns less so started building it to beat him, then the first guy...
  3. R

    Tips & Tricks for New Players

    This helped ALOT. I realised that my love for building wonders is a good thing, and that I can rushbuy to get them far faster. (;
  4. R

    PS1 or PC

    I prefer the PC. Due to the fact it can be modded and has better multiplayer. Nuff said.
  5. R

    trade routes

    And what about with other humans, in a multiplayer game? Does this apply?
  6. R

    Multiplayer Contact Information I play Normal and Fantasy mode. Sci-Fi and Extended are kinda... unorganised shambles to me. If you wanna play, drop an add. I'm ALWAYS looking for a chance to improve. (;
  7. R

    Boat bug

    Lol. This has happened to me a few times before. I just ignored it, I'm not a Navy kinda guy.
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