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    Is tall vs wide even still a thing...?

    Thank you very much, that's much clearer. :)
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    Is tall vs wide even still a thing...?

    As none of these acronyms is listed in the "Civ VI - Common Acronyms and Terms", would you please mind elaborating?
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    Why is war so unrealistic in Civilization V?

    It is rather intereseting that you compared Civ V war to real wars, because obviously this is just a game so many things are rather simplified for the sake of fun, but you actually pointed only at things that are actually rather realistic... The main issue is that you over value technological...
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    City 6+ with no happiness penalty

    > Play Carthage > Play on Archipelago > Take Liberty, Exploration and Order > Enjoy ICS
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    Reasons to still play 5 after the release of 6

    Civ IV was trash at launch, Civ V was trash at launch, why do you think Civ VI won't be trash at launch? Spoiler, it will. For your own good, think about Civ VI's launch not to be this year, but in two years after two expansions packs which should have been in the original game from the...
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    Transitioning from Civ4 to Civ5

    Hey there. I also had a lot of troubles when transitionning from Civ IV BTS to Civ V BWN. Though people gave you strong advices on how to play Civ V, I will try to really point the things that you have to unlearn from Civ IV as this was my biggest burden. Though this was now some years ago, so...
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    Civ5 Invades US High Schools

    I have to say that my post indeed lacked civility, that is right. My bad.
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    Civ5 Invades US High Schools

    I'd like more libertarian propaganda right down my throat, please. Debunking all that is wrong in this post would take way too long, especially in English as this is not my first language, so I'll keep it to rhethorical questions aimed at your first paragrap to put into perspective your...
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    Sometimes I quite like the deceptive evil AI...

    Solution: always bribe your neighbours to fight their neighbours (or the other way round, as long as they are at war). A Civ V game should always be a huge battlefield, in which you decide if you will join the wars or not, but always make sure the rest of the world is at war. This will slow...
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    been playing civ forever - this is my strategy

    - Build 2 scouts first (except on island-ish maps) - Chose 1 Policy tree and stick to it (preferably tradition if you like to think this game is Sim City, Liberty if you like fun, honor / piety if you like wasting policies). 3-4 cities with tradition, 5-7 with liberty. - Don't build monuments...
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    Fascist symbol on Napoleon's loading screen

    This might help you understanding why this symbol is there:
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    AI Goes Twice in a Row After Loading?

    This is 2016 and this bug still exists.
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    Rare events in your Civ 5 games.

    Had an allied City State (nearly) entierly razing an ennemy. I shared borders with Ethiopia, who was land-locked on the bottom right hand side of the map, with my allied CS right behind him. Ethiopia declared war on me (just like everyone in this game as I was REXing like crazy), and...
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    That's it - Liberty is complete utter worthless trash

    I should add, there are diminishing returns in growing a city. The curve is neither a linear nor a logarithm function, but returns do diminish. When a city goes from size 1 to size 2, you double this city's output. When you go from 2 to 3, you only add 50%. Besides, as your city grows, you...
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    That's it - Liberty is complete utter worthless trash

    "Im trying to play Liberty the same way I play Tradition and it doesn't work, therefore Liberty sucks". Welp, I guess this sums it up. I've played both trees a lot (Deity level, though I now mostly play Immortal for various reasons), and the strategies are just so different. The build...
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    That's it - Liberty is complete utter worthless trash

    To bring my 2 cents of experience, I regularly play with friends on immortal and Deity level. Either we are allies (science and other factors are accordingly scaled so that's not much of a buff), or separetly. My friends are of various play levels, and there is in fact a constant amonst the...
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    Are the Penalties of Going wide and going to war too much?

    I used to be a Tradition player and I now play Liberty. When I played Tradition, I always wondered why there were so many Ideologies dedicated to happiness. Sure, I wasn't swimming in luxuries, but I wasn't drowning with unhappiness either. However, now that I'm playing late game liberty, I...
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    Deity: how to do everything?

    While we're on to the topic, why should you take the most faith per turn pantheon instead of a food/culture one?
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    Deity: how to do everything?

    I'm still not bought on early shrines. Let's say you get 4 shrines by turn 50. Game will be over by turn 300 at best. So that's 250 * 4 faith per turn. In other words, that's just ONE great person. You are essentially trading 4 * 40 hammers (about 8 turns of production early on) to get that one...
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    Viability of Ancient/Classical Wonders on Deity

    Is temple of Artemis a specific DLC? A friend and I are regularly playing Civ V BNW but never saw this wonder. Appart from that, I think the opportunity cost of early wonders is way too high on divinity. Even if you COULD get a shot, you have more urgent things to build most of the times.
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