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  1. E

    Putting Mountains in the Way of Warmongers?

    So, a warning upfront: I might be completely off with this post, it is just based on some of those horrible subjective experiences that I had recently. It might not contain even a fraction of truth. So, since the Start of BNW I have moved up to Emperor, whereas I played mostly on King before...
  2. E

    Order: Iron Curtain doesn't work

    As the title says. I don't get a courthouse when I conquer and puppet a city.
  3. E

    How to deal with Ideology "pressure"?

    So, I have been playing a pangea, huge, domination game as the Zulu. Things have been running smoothly so far, I have been able to take out about half of the other civs on the continent and I have turned their realms into puppets. My religion and the garrisoned, maintenance-free unit allow...
  4. E

    Are Faith-Huts imbalanced?

    Something that really starts to bother me are the Ancient Ruins that grant this massive amount of faith. I just ended up being unable to found a religion, despite the fact that I built a lot of cities fast and equipped each of them with a shrine. Of the ~12 huts I popped, none granted me...
  5. E

    Rainforest - The hardest map-type?!

    Hello there! I have come here for advice on how you tackle the Rainforest maps. For the uninciated or the the vanilla-pangea-players, there is a custom map-type called Rainforest, which generates huge plains filled with jungle and foor resources. Here are some points on what you can expect...
  6. E

    Civ5 is more difficult than Civ4.

    *Raises his Bile-shield.* Not the combat. That is easy. But the empire-management! I'm having a hard time conquering the whole world, or even a continent, like I used to in Civ4. Because I run out of happines, because my environment laks resources, our I lack tech for buildings. Or because...
  7. E

    What is the difference between dumbing sth. down and innovating it?

    "What is the difference between dumbing sth. down and innovating it?" - specific topic: the new happiness mechanic. - Now there. If the european release a week away and plenty of surplus time at hand, I feel like sharing some thougths with you about the whole dumbing-down-discussion. There are...
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