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  1. Tufio

    Italian elections, Berlusconi can win again...

    The results: There's almost no hope for the left to get a majority for the senate, berlusconi will likely take it. The current Italian Electoral System was changed by berlusconi miself in 2005 when he knew he was gonna be the loser, you get a...
  2. Tufio

    Italy vs Berlusconi vs spread

    Well, let's leave Greece topic alone. Spread now at 7.35%. Who will fall first? Italy, Berlusconi or Euro?
  3. Tufio

    Italy to kill wikipedia and internet freedom of opinion

    Behold. Dear reader, at this time, the Italian language Wikipedia may be no longer able to continue providing the service that over the years was useful to you, and that you expected to have right now. As things stand...
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