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  1. B

    What Achievements have been the hardest to get?

    I was just looking at the achievements I have and I went through the games where I got them. Some of them were extremely easy, you just got them by simply playing while some others were a real challenge. You may think of achievements as you like, but some of them... I must say I have a certain...
  2. B

    Where is the grasland?

    Is it just me or did grasland nearly entirely disappear? The last 10 games I started, there was an awful lot of jungle (like 40-50% of the land mass) then desert and plains and directly adjecting to it another awful lot of tundra. There is just no land to settle like that - not early on when i...
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    Anyone tried Bismarck lately?

    I am curious if one of you guys has tried Bismarck in G&K yet. I always found he pretty much suck in Vanilla because the UA was, well... mostly not very handy. It improved a little with that 25% discount on unit upkeep. Also, the Landsknecht has been really cheap, but was also really weak so...
  4. B

    Nice Answer/ "You 'll pay for this" - whats the point?

    I have asked myself since release what is the difference between choosing the nice answer or the "you will pay"-answer. I mean, I have really tried to experiment with this as I have played games with nice answer only, games with angry answers only and just doing it at random but I cannot find a...
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    Modding: AI can tech altough science is turned off

    I recently created a scenario in which I turned off science. The ai nevertheless was able to tech slowly. I think the reason is that they can still use Great Scientists to get a free tech (Same may be true for the social policy of "free thought", but I disabled the tree by every civ giving...
  6. B

    Napoleonic Wars

    This is a Scenario covering the events in the late 18th and early 19th century. I have created a small detailed map of Europe and Northern Afrika with 9 Civs and some city states. Science is turned off and time limit is 200 turns (which I think must be balanced later). An ordinary domination...
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    Rhye's converted earth map (advanced)

    So I have taken some prework from other great guys of this forums and made a more advanced version of Rhye's converted earth map. It is acually cool that the unique abilities really help the civs on their true starting positions. I find this one quite immersive. Features: - large map -...
  8. B

    What happens to my DLC's if my pc crashes??

    I was just wondering what would happen to all my downloaded content of steam once I lose all my data. Do I have to buy anything again or does steam remember I bought that once? Is there any way to make a backup of these while my pc is alright? Who does know something about that? Thanks for...
  9. B

    Happiness matters

    I was thinking about the optimal number of cities for a given number of happiness including the most famous social policies and forbidden cities. Here is what everyone knows: -2 Happiness per city -1 H per Citizen Forbidden city: +0,5 H per city Planned economy: +1 H per city...
  10. B

    Ghandi the warmonger

    Okok, CiV is streamlined. It is more a wargame than a historical simulation. I have accepted that and i got used to it. I accually like playing CiV when the AI puts up opposition but one thing is really annoying to me and is killing my immersion: How can it be that a man, who is known in...
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