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  1. B

    Why are Russia and Arabia being released last?

    hold on, is Russia even confirmed in the game? Do we know for sure they are in, and is it from official source or rumor/speculation? I know they've been in every Civ but I've taken a looong break from the games and haven't kept up with Civ 6 news at all, getting hype now though!
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    is this game worth playing yet(civ 4 fan)

    Short answer: worth playing, not worth buying for full price I was an average (as opposed to hardcore or casual) player of Civ4. G&K is a HUGE improvement over vanilla Civ5. The mechanics that pissed me off (city states, puppets, national happiness, social policies) are still there, but...
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    This has got to be some kind of record

    Can someone explain to me why this start is good?
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    The were warned...

    I think manual unit transportation would clash badly with 1upt, but I don't like embarkation either. How would transports work? Would you unload one unit at a time? If so, that's a hassle. Would you unload them all, space permitting? If you're unloading more than three units, one of them...
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    Favourite Resources

    Silver and Gold. I got lucky when I started with Russia with three silver just outside the initial borders. A mint, market and bank later, I was seriously raking in the gpt! Watching it jump as soon as I finished that mint was pretty satisfying :)
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    Civilization 5 Rants Thread

    Well, I only have 10 hours into the game as opposed to a few hundred in Civ IV, but I'm already feeling somewhat let down. The game has its moments, the graphics are beautiful, the interface is sleek, the art style is modern and appealing, but the gameplay just isn't there for me. Most of the...
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    Russia social policy

    Going further, what's the optimal social policy progression for Russia if you want to get a domination win? I found another thread That strongly advocates going I'm confused! I just picked up Civ 5 a few days ago...
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    Which Leader/civ is your Archnemesis?

    Churchill. His impeccable fashion sense and exuberant demeanor often cause me to become irrational with envy, resulting in regrettable decisions and wholly preventable mistakes. Gandhi. I'd fight Gandhi IRL Catherine for being a backstabbing nickel-ho Most of all though, Louis XIV...
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    Second City = Tundra Fur?

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    Condensed tips for beginners?

    Thanks for the replies! Just played a game and made good use of my Diplo Destruction Stack (killed the AP and UN within 4 turns of them being built!) Sorry for the noob questions, but I'm really getting into this game and can't find the answers using search. What causes buildings inside a...
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    Condensed tips for beginners?

    If I locate and raze the city which contains AP/UN, are elections, diplo wins, or resolutions still possible? I usually get the UN done, but in my last game someone else built it, stopped my wars, forced civics onto to me that I didn't like, stopped me from building nukes and returned cities...
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    Civ 5 Expansion Pack Civ Ideas

    w00t, the board channels my feelings! I originally wanted: 1) Vikings 2) Spain 3) Celts In that order. Really happy they made Spain. Hope the Celts get Boudica ;)
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    Russia Strategies?

    How did that game go? :)
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    ALC Game 30: Germany/Bismarck

    Awesome thread! I'm a new player and learning a lot! Wish more people shadowed though
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    Ideal Commerce City Location?

    Does anyone have any screenshots of IDEAL commerce cities? Like, perfect position, tile improvements, wonders, buildings, specialists etc. Reason I'm asking is because no matter what I do (even if I cottage my whole fat cross and settle prophets/merchants) I can't make my "commerce" cities...
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    Effective Use of Cossacks?

    Thanks for the help guys.
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    What do Civ5 opposers still like in Civ5?

    Well, Civ 5 was my first civ game ever so I'm not sure if this thread is entirely appropriate for me, but the more I play Civ 4, the more my "dislike" (more a sense of "Gah! They ruined it, it could have been so much more...") deepens. I'll admit that I was very impressed in the beginning, but a...
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    civ 4 forums CIV6 wishlist

    Awesome ideas in this thread. Great suggestions Gatsby, I especially like the idea of tech diffusion! I've only been playing civ games for a few months, started with 5 and am now playing 4 (I think it's better). I only have one suggestion as everything else has pretty much been mentioned...
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    Effective Use of Cossacks?

    Hi guys, first post! I picked up Civ 5 a few months ago and liked it a lot, my friend (a civ veteran) convinced me to get Civ 4 "cuz it's better" and I must say, I agree. I like playing as Russia because their territory is red and because the flag is so badass. I've been told that the Cossack...
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