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  1. Cyon

    Vampires don get strenght from kills nearby

    My vampires wont get the strenght buff from nearby kills, not from barabarian, other players or my own. not from stasndinfg near or killing themself.
  2. Cyon

    [R&F] Does bread and circuses project count from Entertainment districts placment or city center?

    The nine tile radius from the project is it the placement of the district or the city center that is counted? Ie should you place the district as close to your enemies or should it be as close to your other cities for the zoo bonus instead? Does the project work well in practice for flipping...
  3. Cyon

    [R&F] Why don't I recive science from mine adjecent to Sewong as Korea?

    I have built a mine adjacent to my Sewong unique Science district, but I receive no extra science, why? Is it a bug or are there any prerequisites?
  4. Cyon

    Border growth

    Age there any screen or user interface that tells you when your borders will grow (by culture) and which tiles they will acquire? Have really looked but not found it. A wow they grow so slow!
  5. Cyon

    Civ VI won't start!

    It should be unlocked now in Sweden, it is installed and all. I click on play, and for a second its says 'Running' next to the game in the game library, a popup appears that says 'preparing to launch Civilization VI' - but nothing starts, and the pop up and the 'running' text disappears. I have...
  6. Cyon

    UI that needs to be fixed day 1

    The game looks awesome and I'm very hyped, but some user interface stuff that is missing needs to be added ASAP. 1. Add icons for all info on tech and civic trees! Such things as envoys, spies, increased yields on improvements needs to get their own icons so you can evaluate what you need...
  7. Cyon

    Will we get dynamic environment?

    They have stated earlier that one weakness of Civ 5s engine was that it could not change one hex' terrain to another, will this now be fixed and what will they do with it? I have several things I wish for: :c5rangedstrength: Changing climate, each 50 turns a region could get one step...
  8. Cyon

    When can we expect the first patch?

    Does anyone have a clue? There is a lot of bugs (especially with quests) to fix, small and large UI issues and balancing (trade routes...) to fix. Do we prefer them to do everything perfect and wait or do we want a hot fix this week? Any info from Fireaxis would be welcome...
  9. Cyon

    New SP branches and Luxes

    Since world congresse will be able to ban certain luxury resource, do you think it will be connected to a new ecology SP tree? Since it would only make sense to ban luxes like ivory, whales and furs - we could probably expect more controversial luxes that could later be banned. But which...
  10. Cyon

    Ideas for Civ VI

    I really hope that G&K is not the last expansion and that it will come a lot of more good dlc civs, I have however for a time thought a lot about how I would make a new Civ game for scratch ie ideas for a coming Civ VI. It's not a simulation... ...but why not? I love board games and the...
  11. Cyon

    Rivers, Economics & Happiness - Some thoughts on changes

    I really love the game, but some things just feels strange and a bit static, I know that some of the changes I will suggest already is covered in mods and info about that is welcome, but some of the would be quite hard to mod and requires a new patch. 1. Rivers a.) Rivers should connect...
  12. Cyon

    Kingdom of Kongo

    First version released, download the mod here Loading Screen Image: ------------------------------- Queen Nzinga Mbande Wene wa Kongo Greatings brave Nzinga, ruler of the Ndongo and Matamba, your beauty is only outshined by your cunningness. Your ambiton lead you from beeing the sister to...
  13. Cyon

    New African Civs

    Kongo is finiched, first version released, download the mod here New African Civs: Zulu, Swahili and Kongo Here comes some suggestions for three African Civs: Zulu, Swahili and Kongo. Three more, Ethiopia, Carthage and Morocco will follow. Please come with suggestions to make the ideas better...
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