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  1. P

    Favorite soundtrack

    I love Gilgamesh's theme. Also that one Dvorak piece... this one!
  2. P

    Do girls play civ?

    I'm a girl and I play a ridiculous amount of Civ4 BTS. It's not the only strategy game I play; I play some Paradox Interactive stuff (EU3, HoI2, etc.) as well, and waaay back in the day I was a big fan of Starcraft: Brood War, C&C, and AoE 2. But my favorite game of all time is SMAC. I'm...
  3. P

    Podcast about Alpha Centauri

    This podcast was well-worth a listen for any SMAC fan. I loved hearing about the interplay between SMAC and Civ IV, directly from the developers, seeing as I'm kiiiiind of addicted to both games. I thought it was interesting how Brian mentioned that he'd love to do a SMAC game in the vein of...
  4. P

    Feedback thread

    I get this same problem when running under Wine, although I haven't seen it in any other mods, myself-- just this one. That said, I can very occasionally (10% of the time, maybe) get lucky and get into the game without the crash. I think clicking around into the other menus before heading into...
  5. P

    Bad news for SMAC fans (EA Trademarks Alpha Centauri)

    I'd love to see a SMAC sequel or remake if done properly-- keep all the interesting quotes and factions, re-outfit the graphics, tweak the gameplay so it's a bit more Civ IV-ish, maybe. So long as we don't get the aforementioned Facebook SMAC, Spore SMAC, or FPS "X-Com" SMAC... :p
  6. P

    How long does a game last

    Epic is my favorite speed and I'm pretty no-nonsense when I play so my games are usually 3-4 hours or so. Perhaps because I'm still kind of a Civ noob. (I've only been playing for about six months! Hence why I lurk around these forums, to try to pick up what advice I can.)
  7. P

    Do you like or hate Izzy?

    If Izzy (or Monty) is in my game there's pretty much going to be a guaranteed war. So whether or not I hate her ultimately comes down to if I feel like having a war or not... :p
  8. P

    Most annoying Civ leader in you're game?

    Monty and Izzy are the worst; if I'm in game with them then it's guaranteed to be a battle-heavy game, whether I want it to be or not. Charlie can be tricky, but not as much as the other two I mentioned. The downside is that if you bro up with him via religions or civics or whatever, he...
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