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  1. L

    Personality Traits for diplomacy profit.

    Has anyone got a list of the most attractive (to the AI) Personality Traits that you can acquire? I've played quite a lot of Apollo and it seems very hit and miss in regards to what the AI will try to get from you. Certainly the ones that reduce leaf science cost seem to be popular, but even...
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    logiboy's Let's Play CIVBERT Apollo I've finished my recordings but my upload speed is not that great so I'll be releasing them as soon as they finish. Sorry about the recording audio de-sync on episode 1. I think I've fixed it in subsequent episodes...
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    New Let's Play CIV BE Apollo

    G'day everyone, If your interested I've posted a Let's Play Civilization: Beyond Earth on Apollo difficulty and playing as the African Union. Please don't be to harsh if you are going to comment, this is my first...
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    Connecting two cities that are separated by a City-State

    If you are allied with them then the connection should work I think...
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    I play on the Australian servers. If you are in Australia check out my guild; Cheers, logi BTW not in regards to this reply, I've found a new guru to watch on Youtube for deity games; PrimEvalCIV - The dude sounds a bit like Clint Eastwood to me which I...
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    I won a game last night on Deity with Babylon on a Large Islands map. I only had three cities but I got lucky in that I had 7 unique luxuries and several spares. I didn't win until turn 353, but a win is a win. I was able to stay out of a war all game and I paid several AIs to go to war with...
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    Up until last night I would say I usually win on Emporer (80% of the time) and sometimes win on Immortal (40% of the time). I couldn't count the number of times I've tried on Diety. I honestly just don't know. Usually I get creamed in the first third of the game. I've tried culture and...
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    I'll have to go look at the last save to find out. I'm at work now so I'll repost again when I get home. Thanks Red! =)
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    I won my first ever Deity game, with a Babylon science victory on a small Pangaea map playing BNW. I've been trying to do this for years and finally I have done it. I guess I could go to heaven now because my life is complete. Thanks to the MadDjinn and Elcee youtube "Let's Play" series...
  10. L

    Which race & policies for huge map on king?

    I mostly win on small maps with King and I have won several times on small maps with emperor. I'm looking to try my first huge, pangea, king map where I want to win with a tech victory and I need some help picking the right race and policies. Typcially I will research whatever bonus tiles...
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    First win on King with Pachacuti

    When I first got Civ5 about a year ago there was a lot of stuff I thought was wrong with it. The lack of religions was very annoying. So I didn't play it much and thought I'd wasted my money. A few weeks ago I logged into Steam and there was a massive update, so I thought I would watch a few...
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