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  1. S

    Ideas for Civ6: Ranged & Multi-Unit Combat

    The only thing i would really like to see is being able to protect ranged units with a melee unit. Even if the protecting unit lost all attacking benefits. Like adding a protecting mode where it is attached to the ranged unit. Until the protection is dropped it can not attack other units...
  2. S

    Why play Civ 1?

    Where would i get a copy of Civ 1 from and how o i run it on a windows 7 PC
  3. S

    Artilary Double Fire Not Working

    Has any one had the issue where an artilary is promoted to have the double fire per turn ability but is only able to fire once per turn
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    Suggested Improvement for Submarine Functionality

    Subs can be a great unit but they have a number of current issues. See for details on how a sub can be seen by adjacent tiles Can promote a sub with inappropriate promotions. Currently it is possible to promote a sub with land...
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    [CIV 5 Issues] - The complete list

    Does anyone know when the issue regarding submarines been seen by all adjacent units will be fix. It is a big issue. See for further details
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    [CIV 5 Issues] - The complete list

    What date was the patch deployed so i can send a save on either side. Where do you want me to send it
  7. S

    [CIV 5 Issues] - The complete list

    I have had a large number of issues since the latest patch - Happiness just disappearing after reload of a saved game - AI requesting huge peace settlements when we have never met in combat - AI offering masses of gold, Cities and resources for peace after a minor conflict. Graphics...
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