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  1. splunge the 2nd


    It could be that far north (or south) locations put you at the edge of a continent, putting you in position not to get dog piled and to pick your conquests 1 by 1. It reduces your contacts but a curragh or 2 can fix that.
  2. splunge the 2nd

    Need help with civ 3 steam version

    Thanks! I've been playing forever and never noticed the buttons bottom right! Oddly though, F8 doesn't work for some reason. Can anyone offer help for civ assist?
  3. splunge the 2nd

    Need help with civ 3 steam version

    Hi all! Long time civ player and forum member but I hadn't played for a while since my Windows 10 PC can't run civ and it was a pain booting up my older machine. I recently bought civ 3 on steam and can't seem to get the victrory conditions tab to open. I think it was F12 on the older version...
  4. splunge the 2nd

    Am I doing something wrong?

    I'd avoid a "one size fits all" approach. The Pyramids are a great wonder but if you have only a few cities and plan to win a spaceship race without expanding much, or you're starting on a small land mass, it is not worth it. Also, as you pointed out such a huge investment in shields early on...
  5. splunge the 2nd

    This is embarrassing.

    In terms of happiness, I rarely build happiness buildings. The market/luxury happiness is the most cost effective followed by the happiness tax slider. Rather than entertainers, I will use scientists to avoid unrest- unhappiness is heavily based on non-specialist population, so switching a...
  6. splunge the 2nd

    This is embarrassing.

    No need to be embarrassed. At the risk of reiterating, overbuilding is a common impediment to success. I usually under build military, keeping a small defensive garrison on the periphery and concentrating on offensive units, keeping wars on the enemy's turf. Building barracks in...
  7. splunge the 2nd

    CIv now requires admin priveledges and won't run

    Thanks Marcher. I've posted on Tom's and CNET. If I get a fix, I'll post it.
  8. splunge the 2nd

    CIv now requires admin priveledges and won't run

    Hi everyone. I played Civilization 3 just last night with no problem and today when I try to run it (by shortcut, the exe, autorun from disk) I get the error message I need to log in with administrator privileges. I tested a few other programs and found the same error with Pirates. I...
  9. splunge the 2nd

    Bumped up difficulty- Wow

    DRB42, regarding Ragnar wanting that spot of land, I understand the AI can see resources on the map that haven't been revealed yet do to technolog. The Vikings may ahve really wanted the oil that would be discovered in 1000 years!
  10. splunge the 2nd

    long time player - new poster looking for 1-2 players for PBEM

    I haven't played SMAC for some time (and never by email). I'd be willing to try.
  11. splunge the 2nd

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Buttercup, you certainly have a valid point but might want to consider decaf coffee in the future. This is the Newbie Questions forum. I agree with your interpretation of game mechanics and your ideas to reform arbitrary endpoints for AA wonders make sense, you may turn off some newcomers by...
  12. splunge the 2nd

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    I agree many of the AA wonders aren't worth the shields unless you're going for a culture city victory. I usually don't bother building any unless (as you said) you pop a scientific leader. I loove civ for the competing demands of ahppiness, exploration, development, research, ahppiness...
  13. splunge the 2nd

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Whew, Butercup, please don't find offense where none was intended. Never ascribe to malice what can just as easily be ascribed to language barrier, hasty psoting or simple misunderstanding.
  14. splunge the 2nd

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Galley, Caravel, Galleon and Transport can all carry units (and any replacing UU's). Other naval units can't.
  15. splunge the 2nd


  16. splunge the 2nd

    Time Travel

    I shamelssly take do overs. To avoid the temptation, I play with it set so combat RNG's are preserved. I'll take a ridiculous risk in combat and if it succeeds play on and if it (as expected fails) redo and wait a turn for reinforcements. Admittedly it teaches bad habits, but it's "just a game"!
  17. splunge the 2nd

    Arrrgh Moment

    No I never got anything as valuable as philosophy from a goody hut. What level are you playing? Bummer on the slingshot, but 2 techs for free is nothing to sneeze at.
  18. splunge the 2nd

    Beginner Advice, Please

    I've heard people describe playing civ as "playing a spreadsheet". There certainly are a large amount of variables and things to keep track of. Any specific questions of actual game mechanics? Are moving units, worker tasks, building units and city improvements, recognizing terrain types and...
  19. splunge the 2nd

    forbidden palace

    I often use an early milatary great leader to rush the forbidden palace in a corrupt city with good growth and production potential
  20. splunge the 2nd

    Playing as Every Civilization

    Iroquois, China and Ottoman UU's are fun to play. I also love nuking enemies with Dromons! I haven't tried every civ yet, but may eventually get there.
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