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  1. stevenzwart

    6otm 124 AAR

    SV in turn 345 (1924 AD). I am just a beginner :) After the opening actions I decided to conquer Jerusalem, which was easy with archers. Then attacked Portugal (swordsmen, horseman and crossbowmen). Then a bit of rest, all the time golden ages. I attacked Rome with bombard, currasier and canon...
  2. stevenzwart

    6otM 122 Opening actions Report

    At turn 135 (405 AD) I have six cities, wonders: Pyramids, Machu Pichu, Temple of Artemis and Oracle. A religion, 2 campuses, holy site, encampment and a commercial hub. I started settling to the south west (plains hills), second city to the west (good campus adjacency). I focused in the...
  3. stevenzwart

    6otM119 AAR

    Reading all of the above I didn't do so badly, although no victory. I settled on the spot, sent out a few scouts that found the natural wonder, raided some barbarian camps. Founded a second city near the natural wonder and a third on the coast up north. I was building the Oracle wonder in the...
  4. stevenzwart

    6otM119 Announcemnt

    Probably settle on the spot. Build Oracle wonder on the hills to the south east (although that would also be a great spot for a campus/theater square/holy site, between the 2 jungle tiles). Cut away the woods and leave the jungle.
  5. stevenzwart

    6otM107 Opening Actions Report

    I started of with some scouts, who found quite a few villages and some natural wonders too. Expanding my empire to the east. No problems with barbarian camps for me, because there are city states and other civilizations in between. I got my own religion and managed to create the Petra wonder...
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