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  1. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    I mention this because the unempolyment rate and situation was worse when Coolidge tookover when Harding died and brought the unemployment rate from over 11% to 2% in only a few years. He did it by shrinking Govt. and taking the shackles off the free market system...
  2. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    No, Obama is the failure, I am only asking people to learn about the 1920's depression. Including you because your facts are off too.
  3. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    My "claim" was to look at Coolidege for an answer.
  4. R

    Austerity vs. new "New Deal"

    Friedman would not say spend more in bad times.
  5. R

    Tea Party ranks lower in approval rankings than Christian Right, Muslims and others

    How does paying off the debt not help main st.?
  6. R

    Austerity vs. new "New Deal"

    Who's 101 economy, Keyne's?
  7. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    All you have to do is Google 1920 recession.
  8. R

    Tea Party ranks lower in approval rankings than Christian Right, Muslims and others

    Obama is serving wall st. He and Biden got millions from them.
  9. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    You made my point. Europe was destroyed along with our economy.
  10. R

    Austerity vs. new "New Deal"

    Cutlass, do you increase spending during bad times?
  11. R

    Tea Party ranks lower in approval rankings than Christian Right, Muslims and others

    @thedrin- electing new officials and holding their feet to the fire.
  12. R

    Fix the economy, stupid.

    If you want historical demonstrations than one needs to look no further than Calvin Coolidge. He inherited a much worse economy than any other president. Just ask why were the twenties so roaring?
  13. R

    Tea Party ranks lower in approval rankings than Christian Right, Muslims and others

    The tea party is not a political party, it is just a "union" of people to counter-act the power of the national unions and wall street.
  14. R

    Austerity vs. new "New Deal"

    The time for "new deals" was $5 trillion ago, before tarp, stimulous, QE1, & QE2. We have no more money.
  15. R

    Changing a unit to a camouflaged one

    Go to the forum for the cub. Edition you are playing. ie... civ. 5 etc.
  16. R

    New community for CivWorld teamplayers - Join up!

    I am new to the game and would like to learn more and be a part of a team of "nice guys". Please add me.
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