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    Shaka offered me a city as part of a DoP

    In the 3 years since I've been playing Civ V, since vanilla through to GnK I have never ever seen this happen. This was in my first game of BNW, Morocco asked me to join his war against Shaka (he was on another continent and posed no threat to me but I wanted to keep up good relations with...
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    I became a religious zealot.

    So to come to terms with the new religion mechanic I started a game with all the bias's in favor of generating as much faith as possible. I chose to play as The Celts on an Arboreal map which is covered in natural forest tiles. I focused only on trying to generate as much faith as possible, I...
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    Will you be taking a day off?

    I booked in my annual leave yesterday. The 22nd cannot come fast enough.
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    To pillage or not to pillage?

    I'm torn. I understand why we are given the option to pillage tile improvements but I often struggle with whether or not pillaging a cities surroundings is good strategy. Generally in my case if I am within my enemies border 99% of the time I am there to take a city, therefore why would I...
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    Why no Assyria?

    The Assyrian Empire is one of the oldest and longest lasting civilizations in history. I know none of you need a history lesson on who these people were but there reign lasted longer than almost every civ in the game right now. We have Babylon and we have Persia yet Assyria predates them...
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    Civ V: Diseases

    This is something that I have been pondering on since Civ V came out. What about the inclusion of disease as something players have to deal with during the growth of their empire? I was initially going to plan a mod around this but my ideas far exceed my modding knowledge so I thought I would...
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    This is something that I have been pondering on since Civ V came out. What about the inclusion of disease as something players have to deal with during the growth of their empire? I was initially going to plan a mod around this but my ideas far exceed my modding knowledge so I thought I would...
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    leader name wrong in the notifications

    This has probably been answered already but I'm in no condition to read back through 100+ pages so I want to ask this now. I play Rome mostly and I rename my Leader Julius instead of Augustus. In the Vanilla game my notifications and what-not reflect this name change however since installing...
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    Why not Hannibal??

    I'm disappointed that we aren't seeing Hannibal come back as leader for the Cartheginians. Dido is nice and all but I feel that Hannibal would have been a better choice. I'm probably still going to play as Carthage when the expansion comes out, they are my favorite ancient civilization, but...
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    Question about diplo victory.

    I just completed a game where I went for my first diplomatic victory. I ended up completing the UN on turn 500 but still lost the game to a time victory by Washington. :( My question is, would I have won if I had completed the UN on turn 499? I had 14 of 18 votes and only needed 10 to win...
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    Will AI ever sell you cities?

    I was playing a culture victory game yesterday with Napoleon and lost a city to Japan early on because I didn't really have any military. Eventually Russia crushed Japan so Catherine ended up in charge of the city I lost (Orleans). Given that I was friendly with her and had assisted in giving...
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