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  1. Gen.Mannerheim

    Sideline Reporters - What's the Point?

    In talking about this past Sunday's NFL playoff games with some buddies, we began to discuss the art of Sideline reporting. The general consensus among us was that its really a useless addition to the game watching experience. They only ever ask the most obvious of questions, regardless of...
  2. Gen.Mannerheim

    What's wrong with the Ivy Schools nowadays!?!

    Over the past 5 or so years, I've noticed an almost alarming amount of Popular History coming out of the supposedly “most prestigious educational institutions in the U.S.” I know there is a ridiculous amount of popular histories flooding the market, but the fact that the Ivy Schools are...
  3. Gen.Mannerheim

    Crash Course World History

    So has anybody seen the Youtube show, Crash Course: World History? Its basically an English major doing a web series on History I guess intended for High School and Freshmen students. They claim its written by John Green's (the host) High School Teacher, not exactly reassuring imo, but 95% of...
  4. Gen.Mannerheim

    Favorite Ninja Turtle and what that says about you.

    Just a quick experiment, but what is everybody's favorite Ninja Turtle? The Turtles are one of the few pop culture icons in which everybody has a different favorite. Leonardo- Focused and Disciplined Raphael- Hot Headed and the Lone Wolf Donatello- Intelligent and Shy Michaelangelo- Fun...
  5. Gen.Mannerheim

    Texas politicians call for divorce from union!

    So in a Huff Post article today, some Texas Republicans are calling for an amicable divorce from the government and those states that voted for Obama. And the best part is that the politician in question isn't Rick Perry...
  6. Gen.Mannerheim

    Pure Pacific War

    How do you think a major Pacific war in the late 30’s-40’s look without a major counterpart in Europe? I don’t want to go overboard and create a totally alternate history, for there are a lot of factors that are being left up in the air here (i.e. European affairs). How would the Colonial...
  7. Gen.Mannerheim

    Gen. Iroh.vs.Aragorn

    Who's better?, personally I don't think Aragorn could have breached Ba Sing Se's outer wall.
  8. Gen.Mannerheim

    Top Ten Medieval Battles

    I am curious as to which battles in Medieval History people think as important in the development of the era and Western World as well. I have been trying to create a top ten list (because hey, why not) however I am trying to limit the number of battles directly involving the England or the...
  9. Gen.Mannerheim

    Should the United Kingdom leave the European Union?

    Does anybody else think that Britain should get out of the EU and go it alone. This is basically what they do already. They are the least integrated of all the EU countries, they down right refuse to integrate more, and they do not post the general economic stability of the eurozone. Britain...
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