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  1. K

    Merchant city-state liberated problem

    I liberated Genoa from Genghis Kahn and not only had the city-state lost the ability to make its special luxury, but the influence decay did not take into account my rank in Patronage. I tried re-loading a few times, and nothing. Temujin captured the city-state again, so I re-liberated...
  2. K

    free unit limit

    Anyone know what the free unit limit in FFH2 is and what factors affect that number? Thanks!!
  3. K

    Suggested change: Dragon Mountain

    This is more of a cosmetic change than anything else. Right now, as I understand it, the barbarian AI makes a number of towns, and one of them gets Acheron...sometimes right next to where I am plotting my next city, and occasionally right on top of a valuable resource. :cry: My idea is to...
  4. K

    Anyone ever get the grand menagerie?

    Every game I play, I make a concerted effort to try to get the menagerie, and every game I fail. With the exception of the scenario, have any of you built it? And what is your strategy?
  5. K

    Permenant alliances

    Have you had luck with getting perm alliances in FFH aside from Basium? It seems that the best partner - all else being equal on a non-pangea map is the Lunan. You get to SEE the oysters for yourself and your ships move faster. A very nice perk.
  6. K

    What does the embassy do?

    I have been playing around with the advanced tactics in MNAI, and its pretty neat to get extra commanders during the game. The "right of passage" is absolutely a nice alternative to the unrestricted Open Borders option. But I can't figure out what the Embassy does. I thought someone said I...
  7. K

    Archers useless?

    I get why warriors are powerful early on since barbs are very deadly and need a counterpoint, but why do they need to be more worthwhile than building Axemen/swordsmen/Archers? Myself, I worry about keeping maintenance low, but its hard to argue with the warrior-pult strategy, especially...
  8. K

    Odds of getting a new WATER resouce

    I have never seen this happen in Civ4, but I used to occasionally get it in Civ3. Anyone know what the code shows on this, and does Water Mana help span more resources? Thanks!
  9. K

    So I plagued Acheron...

    Just before I captured him. Then I realized that the was 100% resistant to my healing spells... Any way to remove the plagued promotion? Currently I have him moping around in my capital instead of taking Doviello cities as intended...
  10. K

    Why don't forts connect resources

    Anyone know why this was left out of the game, or how to put it back in?
  11. K


  12. K

    *OFFICIAL* Team Doughnut turnlog

    Well here it is all, seems Team Doughnut has gotten the short end of Rik's shaft. The official turnlog for your viewing pleasure... Here you see our pretty starting position... gaze at all its *beauty*... I know now exactly what Rik was talking about when he said he wanted us to use...
  13. K

    Omg Its Begun!!!!

    And yea the forwarding does work, so if you need to look at the incomming email PLEASE use the secondary email server: login homerj pick '' pass teamone So what do we want? The cow or the wheat first? I say: Move worker to wheat for irrigation. Settle...
  14. K

    Nominations for Thai Menu Boy

    I nominate myself for this position. I really won't be around too much after the first, so I will only have time for posting on the weekends and whatnot. Basically this entails posting, keeping things in line and helping out when I can. :) BTW I'm an Emperor player and considering Diety.
  15. K

    Beginning strats

    Lots of this is going to depend on the mapmaker and how close we all are and whatnot, but I think we can safely make a few assumptions already. SoZ - Team TNT (Persia) will make a direct B-line to the SoZ. They are crazy if they don't. They have the 2 prereq techs for Math and can easily...
  16. K

    Ye olde city names

    Mosty ripped off of the Dunkin Donuts website: Springfield Shelbyville Cruller Sugar Crunch Coffee Cinnamon Glazed Powdered Chocolate Dunkin Strawberry Munckin Krispy Kreme Maple Frosted Chocolate Glazed Glazed Gingerbread Apple Crumb Jelly Filled Frosted Lemon Chocolate...
  17. K

    Testing sig - don't hate me!

    This is only a test. If you see my sig, please let me know...its not showing up for me. I am assuming I need to post something before I will see it.
  18. K

    Republic or Demo?

    Is there some utility out there that I can figure out how much a switch to democracy or even communism from a republic would help me? I couldn't find one in the utility section, but I know many of you consider this often. I am playing a sucession game right now in PTW diety, and I would like...
  19. K

    And so I turn OFF cultural conversion

    After many fun games in Vanilla civ popping enemy cities to come into my fold, I am now FORCED to turn off 'allow cultural conversions' in my games. From what I thought were the simple rules of flipping a city have now changed for the worse. Here is what I THOUGHT the rules were: The city...
  20. K

    Kings have feelings too!

    I am working on a mod, and well, it involves kings. So I have been doing some research on this topic, and since there seems to be no guides to kings here, I thought I would try my hand at a short one! Note that this involves the current editor, that comes with C3C v1.22. If you play the...
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