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  1. N

    Ranqed games at nq.

    We at NQ are developing a beta version of FFA-RANQ. From today a beta version will be up and ready to test out. Many good players are testing it so we think this will be fun:) To RANQ FFA we have set up a system(scores,stats) that will be introduce the day we start. In RANQ the rules will be...
  2. N

    Steam chat broken!!!!!

    We at NQ have experience that steam chat is bugged.. many have to rejoin every 3 hour,(boring) .NQ-officer carls have sendt a email to steam about this issue(thanks)... NQ-forum will updated when its fix here: and maybe we can hear what...
  3. N

    We want to try standard,epic speed! Anyone?

    We are trying to get games going on diffrent speed at NQ.. This is to try to play game diffrently and try other tactics! we think it would be fun! For details check this out: For playing theese games you must join NQ at steam and here is...
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