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  1. J

    Debugging the DLL - Best way to check data

    I'm having a problem with some data in the DLL (not sure of their order) What is the best way to have a look at them? I could open a file and write the variables in the file, but I am wondering if there is a better way. I work with Visual Studio Express 10. Thanks, JFG
  2. J

    Sorting CvWString in vector - Colonization

    Hi, I'm trying to modify the "Assign Trade Route" dialog in Colonization. Colonization generates a list of lines of text that I want to sort alphabetically. The data I'm interested in is in std::vector< std::pair<int, CvWString> > aTradeRoutes; and filled in CvDLLButtonPopup.cpp...
  3. J

    "Assign Trade Route" screen, some pointers needed...

    Hi, I really like the game the way that it is (Rules and Design), but I waste a lot of time managing the wagons between the cities. Is there a way to modify the "Assign Trade Route" window : - Ordering (alphabetically) the different trade possibility (the easiest modification)...
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