• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. M

    Iran plans to knock out USA with one bomb!

    MODS PLease Delete
  2. M

    Global Warming part 2.

    Oil yes, but there's a huge amount of coal still to be burnt.
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    Global Warming part 2.

    Some posters seem to be a bit confused about how global warming actually works. The "Greenhouse" model described in the popular press is sctually somehwat removed from reality. The amount of energy that the Earth radiates is given by the Stephan Boltzmann Law, which essentially says that it...
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    World nation

    It wouldn't really be one world country, since the only point of a country is to define one area as being seperate from another area. There is likley to be a continual movement towards greater integration, but it is unlikley that we wil ever refer to the world as being "one country".
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    IQ Test

    135 - I'm a visual mathematician
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    Does Infinity Exist?

    Infinity definitely is a numerical concept. It's associated much more with mathematical concepts than the physical worlds, so there isn't a great deal of need to worry about 11 dimensions. In fact there are actually different kinds of infinity. With some infinities being less than other...
  7. M

    What kind of English should non-native speakers learn and speak?

    There's no such thing as a British accent. What most foreigners seem think of as "British" is the Hugh Grant, posh Southern Accent. Try listening to some of the other ones: Cockney, West Country, Scouse, Yorkshire, Brummie, Geordie, Manch, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish - they all sound...
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    What about Overpopulation?

    By looking at the world around us it's fairly obvious that as standard of living rises, birth rates drop. The population increase in the top industrialised countries is almost zero. As times goes on and living standards across the world improve, the population will stabilise and even drop...
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    Europe in 2002

    The following pledged their support for the war on Iraq: Albania Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Spain Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Which leaves the following against...
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    You can't beat a nice cool pint of Tetley's bitter.
  11. M

    Europe in 2002

    There isn't really any major disagreement over the constitution. It requires all members to agree to it so if there were any countries who were firmly against it then the whole thing would be a non-starter. Maybe a good disgreement to start on would be American relations. You could start with...
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    Civfanatics Region @ Nation States

    For personal reasons I'm not going to be able to spend any time on Nation States for quite a while. So I've had to give up the UN deligacy and my other responsibilities for the maps and the web-site. Kinniken and Cilpot both have the password for the site, so I'll leave it up to them to...
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    Civfanatica Resolution 01: Mutual Defence Treaties

    Results of Resolution 01 Vote: Votes For: 0,0,0,0 Votes Against: 9,9,9,9 Abstentions: 0,0,0,0 Total Members: 38 Total Eligible: 26 Quorum: 33% x 26 = 9 This resolution has failed on all FOUR points.
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    CITN Update - Civfanatica News Thread

    Great shock has greeted the news of the Federal Empire's Resignation from the United Nations. The Lord President made the following speech. I would like to thank all nations who supported the Federal Empire through its delegacy. It has been an honour and a privilige to serve Civfanatica, and...
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    Civfanatics Region @ Nation States

    This is the members list I have for calculating the qourum. If there are any errors or emissions please say so. 4401 - anonymous4401 Aphex Twin III - Aphex_Twin Arjwen - Dexterp Arkburg - marksmall Astrolika - Rout Balernia (part of the USC) - JJP Ben Doone - Fundamentalist...
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    Civfanatics Region @ Nation States

    The map is now on the web-site.
  17. M

    Civfanatica: UN Arms Resolution

    The following resolution will shortly be before the United Nations: CATEGORY: Gun Control DECISION: Tighten PROPOSER: Galdago THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, CONSIDERING that the illicit traffic in small arms impedes development, constitutes a threat to populations and security, and contributes...
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    Civfanatica : UN Healthcare Resolution

    This vote has now ended. Vote For : 7 Votes Against: 0 Abstentions: 0 The Federal Empire has therefore cast his delegate vote FOR the resolution on behalf of Civfanatica. Thankyou to all who voted. Please vote on the UN Arms Resolution at...
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    CITN Update - Civfanatica News Thread

    The Federal Empire and Novus Roma de Italia are shortly to begin work on a join defence project, the "Alliance" class conventional aircraft carrier. The Federal Empire will purchase two of these carriers, with the NRI taking a further two hulls. ALLIANCE CLASS AIRCRAFT CARRIER --------...
  20. M

    CITN Update - Civfanatica News Thread

    All UN Members are invited to vote on the UN Healthcare resolution at: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1023613#post1023613
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